






韩鹏飞,教授,昆士兰大学博士,德累斯顿工业大学博士后;重庆市海外高层次人才(2019),重庆英才·青年拔尖人才(2021),全球信誉最好的网投平台化学感受神经科学与营养交叉学科实验室负责人;主持国家自然科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金、重庆市留学回国创新计划等研究项目。研究成果在NeuroimageHormones and BehaviorNutritional NeuroscienceEuropean Journal of NeuroscienceChemical Senses等神经科学和化学感受领域国际期刊发表。截止20233月,Google Scholar H-index = 19




p.han@foxmail.com 西南大学全球信誉最好的网投平台427


2005 - 2009 工学学士,食品科学学院,西南大学

2012 - 2016 哲学博士,营养与食品科学中心,昆士兰大学



2016 - 2018 博士后,嗅味觉跨学科研究中心,德累斯顿工业大学

2019 - 至今 教授(特别评聘),全球信誉最好的网投平台


《认知心理学》  本科

《化学感知觉与测量》 本科

《主文献阅读》  研究生


国家自然科学基金青年项目 2022 - 2024

重庆英才·青年拔尖人才项目 2022 - 2024

重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 2020 - 2023

重庆市留学创新计划启动项目 2021 - 2023

高端外国专家引进计划项目 2021 - 2022

西南大学博士启动基金项目 2019 - 2022


重庆英才青年拔尖人才  2021年

重庆市海外高层次人才  2020


中国心理学会神经神心理学专业委员会   委员 2022

International Journal of Mental Health Promotion  编委 2020 2022


国家奖学金(苏涛 2021

重庆市优秀毕业论文(苏涛 2021


Appetite (2022-); Neuroimage (2022-); Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (2022-); Brain Connectivity (2022-); Cerebral Cortex (2021-);  Human Brain Mapping (2019-); Neuroimage: Clinical (2019-); Chemical Senses (2019-); Rhinology (2019-); Psychiatry Research (2019-); Food & Function (2019-); The Journal of Nutrition (2019-); Behavioral Brain Research (2020-); Frontiers Human Neuroscience(2020-); 中国科学:信息科学(英文版)(2020-); Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry (2020-); Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2020-);



Ai Y, Yang J, Nie H, Hummel T, Han P*. (2023) Increased sensitivity to unpleasant odor following acute psychological stress, Hormone and Behaviour, 150: 105325

Nie H, Zhao R, Ai Y, Yang Y, Cao B, Han P*. (2023) Comparison between human olfactory sensitivity in the fasted and fed states: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Appetite 181: 106395

Tuluhong M and Han P* (2023) Chronic stress is associated with reward and emotion-related eating behaviors in college students. Frontiers in Nutrition 9:1025953.

Han P*, Su T, Chen H, Hummel T. (2023) Regional brain morphology of the primary somatosensory cortex correlates of spicy food consumption and capsaicin sensitivity, Nutritional Neuroscience 26 (3): 208-216.


Zhou L#, Qin M#, Han P*. (2022) Olfactory metacognition and memory in individuals with different subjective odor imagery abilities. Consciousness and Cognition 105, 103416.

Han P*, Qin M, Zhou L, Chen H. (2022) Generating odour imagery enhances brain activity in individuals with low subjective olfactory imagery ability. European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (8): 1961-1971.

Han P*, Su T, Hummel T. Human odor exploration behaviour is influenced by olfactory and interest in the sense of smell. Physiology Behaviour 249: 113762

Su T, Gao X, Zhang L, Li H, Han P*, Chen H*. (2022) Spicy food consumption is associated with reduced oral capsaicin and salty taste perception but unchanged sour taste or intranasal trigeminal sensitivity. Food Quality and Preference 96, 104411


Han P* Roizsch C; Horstmann A; Pössel M; Hummel T. (2021) Increased brain reward responsivity to food-related odors in obesity. Obesity 29(7), 1138-1145.

Han P*. (2021) Advances in research on brain processing of food odors using different neuroimaging techniques, Current Opinion in Food Science 39: 134-139

Han P*, Su T; Qin M; Chen H; Hummel, T. (2021) A systematic review of olfactory related questionnaires and scales, Rhinology 59(2), 133-143.


Han P.*, Mohebbi M., Hummel, T. (2020) Sensitivity to sweetness correlates to elevated reward brain responses to sweet and high-fat food odors in young healthy volunteers, Neuroimage, 208, 116413

Han P*, Warr J., Hummel T. (2020) Frequent minty chewing gum use is associated with increased trigeminal sensitivity: an fMRI study. Brain research, 1730, 146663

Faria V #*, Han P#, Joshi A. Hummel T. (2020) Verbal suggestions of nicotine content modulate ventral tegmental neural activity during the presentation of a nicotine-free odor in cigarette smokers European Neuropsychopharmacology, 31, 100-108.


Han P*, Zang Y, Joshi A, Hummel T. (2019) Magnetic resonance imaging of human olfactory dysfunction. Brain Topography, 10.1007/s10548-019-00729-5

Han P*, Gerber J, Hummel T, Croy I. (2019) Olfactory loss is associated with reduced hippocampal activation in response to emotional pictures. Neuroimage, 188: 84-91

Han P.*, Fark T, de Wijk R, Iannilli E, Seo H-S, Hummel T. (2019) Modulation of sensory perception of cheese attributes intensity and texture liking via ortho- and retro- nasal odors. Food Quality and Preference, 73, 1-7


Han P*, Mohebbi M, Hummel C, Hummel T. (2018) Different neural processing of umami and salty taste determined by umami identification ability independent of repeated umami exposure, Neuroscience, 383: 74-83.

Han P*, Schriever V, Peters P, Olze H, Uecker FC, Hummel T. (2018) Influence of airflow rate and stimulus concentration on olfactory event-related potentials (OERP) in humans. Chemical Senses, 43, 2: 89-96.

Rottstädt F, Han P, Weidner K, Schellong J, Wolff-Stephan S, Hummel T, Croy I. (2018). Reduced anterior insula volume moderates the relation between olfactory bulb volume and depression, Human Brain Mapping, 39(6): 2573-2582

Han P, Keast RJ, Roura E* (2017). Salivary leptin and TAS1R2/TAS1R3 polymorphisms are related to sweet taste sensitivity and carbohydrate intake in a buffet meal. British Journal of Nutrition, 118 (10): 763-770.


Han P* and Hummel T. (2023) Brain imaging of food-associated emotions using fMRI, In Springer Methods and protocols in Food Sciences

  Han P* and Hummel, T. (2019) Ortho- and Retronasal olfaction, in Food Aroma Evolution during Food Processing Cooking and Aging (1st edition); CRS Press Taylor & Francis Group


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