






晏妮,美国德州大学奥斯汀分校博士教授,入选重庆市英才计划·青年拔尖人才2022),美国儿童发展研究协会(SRCD)会员,重庆市人文社会科学普及专家,重庆市妇幼卫生学会儿童心理与行为发展专委会委员,幼儿心理关爱联盟成员,九三学社社员。以第一作者或通讯作者的研究成果发表在儿童发展及心理学领域的顶级学术期刊,Journal of Experimental Psychology:General, Journal of Child Psychology and PsychiatryChild DevelopmentDevelopmental Psychology等。先后主持项国家自然科学社会科学基金以及国家科技课题。主要研究兴趣:1) 早期逆境对儿童问题行为的影响机制;2) 儿童问题行为对家庭系统的反向作用;3) 关注儿童的感觉加工敏感性特征,探索儿童受到家庭环境影响的差别易感性机制。


2022.06 - 至今                          教授,全球信誉最好的网投平台

2016.07 - 2022.06                     副研究员,全球信誉最好的网投平台

2014.07 - 2016.06                     讲师,全球信誉最好的网投平台

2013.05 - 2014.02                     研究助理,儿童与家庭研究中心,Lyndon B. Johnson公共事业学院, University of Texas at Austin



2014          博士                       哲学博士,University of Texas at Austin

                                                 博士论文:  母亲抑郁与儿童早期心理弹性发展机制

2012          硕士                       硕士,University of Texas at Austin

                         硕士论文:  母亲抑郁,家庭教养与儿童早期退缩行为

2009          学士                       教育学院,北京师范大学






2.儿童感觉加工敏感性与家庭教养的交互作用∶ 验证差别易感性模型,国家社会科学基金"十三五"规划 2020年度教育学青年课题(CBA200239),主持,经费20万元,2021年-2024年


4.母亲抑郁与儿童早期发展的双向影响: 探索亲子关系的中介者作用及负面情绪性的调节者作用,国家自然科学基金青年项目(31500904),主持,经费20万元,2016年—2018年


获奖荣誉 :

2020                              《心理学导论》,西南大学核心课程建设项目

2019                               来华留学生示范课程《心理学导论》,教育委员会,重庆市

2018                               优秀班主任,西南大学

2018                               优秀教师,全球信誉最好的网投平台,西南大学

2016, 2018                     优秀教学奖/三等奖,西南大学

2015                              国际会议奖学金,儿童发展研究协会(SRCD)         

2014                              优秀奖学金,自然科学学院,德州大学(奥斯汀)

2013                              学生会议奖学金,儿童发展研究协会(SRCD)

2012                              HDFS夏季奖学金,德州大学(奥斯汀)

2011                              Helen Strow 国际研究生奖学金, 美国家庭与消费科学协会         

2009                              院长优秀奖学金, 自然科学学院, University of Texas at Austin


1.Li, X., Li, Z., Jiang, J., & Yan, N.* (2022). Children's sensory processing sensitivity and prosocial behaviors: Testing the differential susceptibility theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication.

2.Li, X., Ansari, A., Gao, P., & Yan, N.* (2022). Mothers Emotional Reactions towards Chinese Preschoolers Behavioral Problems: Examining the Specificity of Emotions and Contexts. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31 (10), 2730-2743.

3.Sun, A., Peng, W., Ansari, A., Li, X., Xu, Y., & Yan, N.* (2022). Mothers’ implicit and explicit attitudes towards infant crying: predicting postpartum depressive symptoms. Early Child Development and Care, 192(14), 2268-2279.


5.Yan, N.*, Liu, Y.*, Ansari, A., Li, K., & Li, X. (2021). Mothers’ Depressive Symptoms and Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors: Examining Reciprocal Trait‐State Effects from Age 2 to 15. Child Development, 92(6), 2496-2508.

6.Wu, X., Zhang, R., Li, X., Feng, T., & Yan, N.* (2021). The moderating role of sensory processing sensitivity in the link between stress and depression: A VBM study. Neuropsychologia, 150, 107704.

7.Yan, N.*, Ansari, A., Peng, P. (2021).Reconsidering the relation between parental functioning and child externalizing behaviors: A meta-analysis on child-driven effects. Journal of Family Psychology, 35(2), 225-235.

8.Ding, X., Ansari, Y., Li, X., Liu, Y., & Yan, N.* (2020). Transactional Effects Between Parental Sensitivity and Child Social Adjustment: Specifying Trait-State Aspects of Parenting. Developmental Psychology 56(7), 1331-1342.

9.Li, Q., Liu, P.W., Yan, N.*, & Feng*, T. (2020). Executive Function Training Improves Emotional Competence for Preschool Children: The Roles of Inhibition Control and Working Memory. Frontiers in Psychology ,11: 347.

10.Wang, Y. & Yan, N. (2019). Trajectories of internalizing and externalizing problems in preschoolers of depressed mothers: Examining gender differences. Journal of Affective Disorders 257: 551-561.

11.Yan, N.*, Ansari, A., &Wang, Y. (2019).  Intrusive parenting and child externalizing behaviors across childhood: The antecedents and consequences of child-driven effects. Journal of Family Psychology, 33(6), 661-670.

12.Yan, N.*, Ansari, A., Sattler, K., & Zhou, N. (2019). Change in risk patterns across early childhood and childrens first-grade adjustment. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(2), 490-504.

13.Yan, N.*, Hooper, S., Ansari, A., & Hao, H. (2018). Mothers affective experiences and child behaviors: A diary study examining child-driven effects among Chinese preschoolers. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 572-578.

14.Xu, W., Yan, N., Chen, G., Zhang, X., & Feng, T. (2018). Parent-child separation: The relationship between separation and psychological adjustment among Chinese rural children. Quality of Life Research, 27(4), 913-921.

15.Yan, N.*, & Ansari, A. (2017). Bidirectional relations between intrusive caregiving among parents and teachers and children's externalizing behavior problems. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 41, 13-20. A1

16.Zhang, C., Yan, N., & Feng, T. (2017).The effect of regulatory mode on procrastination: Bi-stable parahippocampus connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate and anterior prefrontal cortex. Behavioural Brain Research, 329, 51-57.

17.Yan, N.*, Benner, A. D., Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Harden, K. P. (2017). Mothers early depressive symptoms and preschoolersbehavioral problems: The moderating role of genetic influences. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 48(3), 434-443.



19.Yan, N., & Dix, T. (2016). Mothers depressive symptoms and childrens cognitive and social agency: Predicting first-grade cognitive functioning. Developmental Psychology, 52(8), 1291-1298.

20.Yan, N.* (2016). Childrens resilience in the presence of mothersdepressive symptoms: Examining regulatory processes related to active agency. Children and Youth Services Review, 61, 90-100.

21.Yan, N.*, & Ansari, A. (2016). Child adjustment and parent functioning: Considering the

role of child-driven effects. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(3), 297-308.

22.Yan, N.*, Zhou, N., & Ansari, A. (2016). Maternal depression and childrens cognitive and socio-emotional development at first grade: The moderating role of classroom emotional climate. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(4), 1247-1256.

23.Liu, Q., Fang, X., Yan, N., Zhou, Z., & Yuan, X. (2015). Multi-family group therapy for adolescent Internet addiction: Exploring the underlying mechanisms. Addictive Behaviors, 42, 1-8.

24.Benner, A. D., & Yan, N. (2015). Classroom race/ethnic composition, family-school connections, and the transition to school. Applied Developmental Science, 19(3), 127-138.

25.Yan, N., & Dix, T. (2014). Mothersearly depressive symptoms and childrens first‐grade adjustment: A transactional analysis of child withdrawal as a mediator. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 55(5), 495-504.

26.Dix, T., & Yan, N. (2014). Mothers' depressive symptoms and infant negative emotionality in the prediction of child adjustment at age 3: Testing the maternal reactivity and child vulnerability hypotheses. Development and Psychopathology, 26(1), 111-124.

27.Wang, Y., Kim, S. Y., Anderson, E. R., Chen, A. C.-C., & Yan, N. (2011). Parent–child acculturation discrepancy, perceived parental knowledge, peer deviance, and adolescent delinquency in Chinese immigrant families. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(7), 907-919.


2018秋季-2022秋季                            主讲,发展心理学

2015秋季-2022秋季                            主讲,心理学I(中英双语教学;核心建设课程

2016春季-2023春季                            助教,心理学II(全英文教学

2014秋季-2016春季                            主讲,儿童社会性发展

2014秋季                                            主讲,情绪心理学(全英文教学

2011春季/2013秋季                           客座讲师, 早期儿童干预导论(Introduction to Early Childhood Intervention)(全英文教学



2.晏妮 (2016)家庭教育环境与儿童发展:差别易感性假说,第二十一届全国儿科大学,珠海

3.晏妮 (2016)父母功能和儿童适应:双向互动的关系,第三届婚姻家庭治疗国际会议,天津

3.     Yan, N. & Dix, T. (2015 March). Children's resilience when mothers’ depressive symptoms are high: examining regulatory processes related to children’s active agency, talk presented at SRCD biennial meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

4.      Yan, N. & Dix, T. (2013 April). Mechanisms by which mothers’ early depressive symptoms affect child adjustment at first grade: Child Inhibition, mother-Child Mutually responsive Orientation, talk presented at SRCD biennial meeting, Seattle, Washington.

5.     Dix, T. & Yan, N. (2013 April). Mothers’ depressive symptoms and infant negative emotionality in the prediction of child adjustment at age three: testing the differential susceptibility and maternal reactivity hypotheses, talk presented at SRCD biennial meeting, Seattle, Washington.

6.     Yan, N. (2012 April). Mothers’ depressive symptoms and withdrawal in early childhood: Two processes by which children’s gender and negative emotionality moderate this relation, seminar talk at Human Development & Family Sciences, University of Texas, Austin.

7.      Yan, N. & Dix, T. (2012 March). Mothers’ depressive symptoms and withdrawal in early childhood: two processes by which children’s gender and negative emotionality moderate this relation, poster presented at SRHD biennial meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

9.      Yan, N. (2011 April). Mothers’ depressive symptoms predict problematic interaction for only some children, seminar talk at Human Development & Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.

10.     Dix, T., & Yan, N. (2011 March). Mothers’ depressive symptoms predict problematic interaction for only some children, poster presented at SRCD biennial meeting, Montreal, Canada.