







冯廷勇1976-),博士,全球信誉最好的网投平台教授(三级),博士生导师,全球信誉最好的网投平台副部长,入选国家重大人才项目青年人才(2021年),重庆市学术技术带头人(2019年),重庆市青年专家工作室领衔专家(2021年),美国宾夕法尼亚大学访问学者,九三学社社员,现任认知与人格教育部重点实验室副主任,心理学国家级实验教学示范中心主任,国际儿童心理与家庭咨询研究中心主任(西南大学),中国心理学会理事,《心理科学》副主编,《心理科学进展》、《应用心理学》、《教育生物学杂志》等核心期刊编委;中国心理学会情绪与健康心理学专业委员会副主任委员,中国心理学会决策心理学专业委员会委员,中国心理学会发展心理学专业委员会委员,重庆市心理学会发展心理学专业委员会主任,重庆市妇幼卫生学会儿童心理与行为发展专委会副主任,重庆市高校中青年骨干教师(第七批),重庆市第二批社会科学专家库成员(2014年),重庆市总工会教育培训专家(心理学类,3位专家,2015年),“5.16”幼儿心理健康日暨幼儿心理关爱联盟发起人,中华医学会第21、22次全国儿科学术会议发育行为专业分会报告人,“牛听听”儿童智能熏教机(2020年京东和天猫两大电商平台智能早教产品销售排名第一)主要架构人。主要研究兴趣:时间认知与决策(重点关注拖延行为、跨期选择)的认知神经机制;儿童认知发展及脑可塑性(包括正常儿童和ASD/ADHD儿童);恐惧情绪加工与消退的认知神经机制研究。目前,先后主持了5项国家自然科学基金项目(3227112331971026; 31571128; 31271117; 30800292)1项科技部重大专项(2021ZD0200530)子课题、1项科技部重点研发项目(2022YFC2705201)子课题和重庆市技术创新应用发展重点项目(CSTB2022TIAD-KPX0150)等10余项省部级等各类项目。以第一或通讯作者身份在国际心理学顶级期刊Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralCerebral CortexNeuroimage、Brain Structure and Function、Human Brain mapping、CortexSocial Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience、Neuropsychologia、Biological Psychology、《中国科学》、《科学通报》、《心理学报》等高水平专业刊物发表120多项研究成果(SCI/SSCI论文70余篇),主编或副主编国家级规划教材、著作等6部;相关研究成果入选国际顶级刊物《Science》的Editor’s Choice(编辑选择奖),被Psychology Today、新华网、新浪、网易、搜狐、上游新闻、重庆晚报等媒体广泛报道

2006年5月到2007年5月,在中国科学院心理研究所高级脑功能实验室和四川大学华西医院学习fMRI技术;2013年1月到2014年1月,前往美国常春藤名校University of Pennsylvania心理学系讲席教授Joe. Kable实验室做访问学者1年。









u代表性论文(*通讯作者; #共同第一)

Bowen Hu, Qinghua He, Jiang Qiu, Xu Lei, Hong Chen, Tingyong Feng* (2023). Being bold wisely: neural substrates underlying ability to exploit risk, Cerebral Cortex, DOI: doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad128(中科院SCI二区,神经科学top期刊)

Ye Liu, Feng Zhou, Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng* (2023). The para-hippocampal– medial frontal gyrus functional connectivity mediates the relationship between dispositional optimism and procrastination. Behavioural Brain Research, 448: 114463

Yiqun Guo*, Debo Dong, Huimin Wu,Zhiyuan Xue, Feng Zhou, Le Zhao, Zhangyong Li, Tingyong Feng* (2023). The intracortical myelin content of impulsive choices: results from T1-and T2-weighted MRI myelin mapping, Cerebral Cortex, DOI: doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad028(中科院SCI二区,神经科学top期刊)

Bowen Hu, Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2023). Seeing the future: Connectome strength and network efficiency in visual network predict individual ability of episodic future thinking, Neuropsychologia, 179, 108451

Ting Xu, Shunmin Zhang, Feng Zhou, Tingyong Feng*(2022). Stimulation of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex enhances willingness for task completion by amplifying task outcome value, Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralDOI: 10.1037/xge0001312(SSCI一区;国际心理学顶级期刊:实验心理学旗舰杂志)

Shuying Xu, Rong Zhang,Tingyong Feng*(2022). The functional connectivity between left insula and left medial superior frontal gyrus underlying the relationship between rumination and procrastinationNeuroscience, doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.11.015

Pan Feng, Tingyong Feng*, Zhiyi Chen* (2022). Sleep deprivation altered encoding of basolateral amygdala on fear acquisition, Cerebral Cortex, DOI:bhac233(中科院SCI一区)

Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng* (2022).Neural connectome features of procrastination: Current progress and future direction, Brain and Cognition, 161, 105882(主编约稿)

Zhiyi Chen, Rong Zhang, Hangfeng Huo, Peiwei Liu, Chenyan Zhang, Tingyong Feng* (2022). Functional connectome of human cerebellum, NeuroImage, 251119015 (中科院SCI一区,神经成像top期刊)出版时间:2022-5-1

Yige Wang, Shuai Peng, Zhi Shao*, Tingyong Feng*(2022). Active Viewing Facilitates Gaze to the Eye Region in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05462-wSSCI一区ASD领域top期刊在线发表:2022-2

 Yige Wang, Zhi Shao*, Libin Zhang,Tingyong Feng*(2022).Visual scanning and recognition of ambiguous faces in children with autism: The effects of morphing levels and facial identities, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 92,101931SSCI二区出版时间:2022-4

Junyu Wang, Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng*(2022). Neural basis underlying the association between expressive suppression and procrastination: the mediation role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, Brain and Cognition, 157105832SSCI二区出版时间:2022-3

Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng*(2022). Hybrid brain model accurately predict human procrastination behavior, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Doi.org/10.1007/s11571 -021-09765-z (中科院SCI一区,工程技术top期刊) 在线发表:2022-1-29

Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2022). The anxiety-specific hippocampus-prefrontal cortex pathways links to procrastination through self-control, Human Brain Mapping, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25754 (中科院SCI二区,神经成像top期刊) 出版时间:2022-4-1

Yaqi Zhang, Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2022). The Functional Connectivity Between Right Middle Temporal Gyrus and Right Superior Frontal Gyrus Impacted Procrastination through Neuroticism. Neuroscience, 481:12–20SCI二区出版时间:2022-1-15

Yaqi Yang#, Zhiyi Chen#, Qi Chen*, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Neural basis responsible for episodic future thinking effects on procrastination: the interaction between the cognitive control pathway and emotional processing pathway. Cortex, 145:250-263(中科院SCI一区, 行为科学Top期刊出版时间:2021-12

Zhiyi Chen#, Pan Feng#, Benjamin Becke, Ting Xu, Matthew R. Nassar, Fuschia Sirois, Bernhard Hommel, Chenyan Zhang, Qinghua He, Jiang Qiu, Li He, Xu Lei, Hong Chen, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Neural connectome encodes the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, DOI: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2021.100378(中科院SCI一区)出版时间:2021-11

Yuhua Li, Libin Zhang, Rong Zhang, Ting Xu, Tingyong Feng*(2021).The Neural Basis Linking Achievement Motivation With Procrastination: Left Precuneus Connectivity With Right Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, DOI: 10.1177/01461672211040677(SSCI一区)在线发表 2021-8

Xu Wang, Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Feng Zhou, Tingyong Feng*(2021).Neural basis underlying the relation between boredom proneness and procrastination: The role of functional coupling between precuneus/cuneus and posterior cingulate cortex, Neuropsychologia, 161:107994(SSCI二区)出版时间2021-10-15

Pan Feng#, Zhiyi Chen#, Benjamin Becker, Xiqin Liu, Feng Zhou, Qinghua He, Jiang Qiu, Xu Lei, Hong Chen, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Predisposing variations in fear-related brain networks prospectively predict fearful feelings during the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Cerebral Cortex, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab232(中科院SCI一区,神经科学Top期刊)出版时间2021-7-23

Zhiyi Chen, Benjamin Becker, Pengmin Qin, Wei Lei, Jing Chen, Peiwei Liu, Tian

Lin, Chenyan Zhang, Rong Zhang, Mengmeng Wang, Ting Xu, Yaqi Yang, Pan

Feng, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Neural networks during delay discounting as trans-disease marker: a meta-analytical review. Journal of Psychiatric Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.05.008中科院SCI二区出版时间:2021-7

Shunmin Zhang, Tom Verguts, Chenyan Zhang,Pan Feng, Qi Chen*, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Outcome value and task aversiveness impact task procrastination through separate neural pathways. Cerebral Cortex, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab053(中科院SCI一区,神经科学Top期刊)出版时间2021-8

Zhiyi Chen, Peiwei Liu, Chenyan Zhang, Zeyuan Yu*, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Neural markers of procrastination in white matter microstructures and networks, Psychophysiology, DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13782SSCI一区出版时间:2021-5

TingXu, Fuschia M.Sirois, Libin Zhang, ZeyuanYu*, Tingyong Feng*(2021). Neural basis responsible for self-control association with procrastination: right MFC and bilateral OFC functional connectivity with left dlPFC, Journal of Research in Personality, DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2021.104064SSCI一区)出版时间:2021-4

Kanxin Gao, Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Libin Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2021).  The Effect of Conscientiousness on Procrastination: the Interaction Between the Self-Control and Motivation Neural Pathways, Human Brain Mapping, DOI: 10.1002/hbm.25333 (中科院SCI 二区) 出版时间2021-4-15

Xueke Wang, Tingyong Feng*(2021). The continuous impact of cognitive flexibility on the development of emotion understanding in children aged 4-5 years: a longitudinal study, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203, 105018(SSCI二区) 出版时间 2021-5

Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Ting Xu, Tingyong Feng*(2021).The neural  basis underlying  the relation between  the action identification level  and  delay discounting: the medial and orbital frontal cortex functional connectivity with the precuneus, International Journal of Psychophysiology159:74-82(SSCI二区) 出版时间 2021-1

Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Ting Xu, Libin Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2020).  The overlapping region in right hippocampus accounting for the link between trait anxiety and procrastination, Neuropsychologia, 146:107571 (SSCI一区) 出版时间:2020-9

Zhiyi Chen, Rong Zhang, Ting Xu, Yaqi Yang, Junyu Wang, Tingyong Feng*(2020). Emotional attitudes towards procrastination in people: a large-scale sentiment-focused crawling analysis, Computers in Human Behavior, 110:106391(SSCI一区)出版时间:2020-9

Hangfeng Huo, Rong Zhang, Carol A. Seger, Tingyong Feng*, Qi Chen*(2020).The effect of trait anxiety on risk-taking: Functional coupling between right hippocampus and left insula, Psychophysiology, DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13629SSCI一区出版时间:2020-10 

Wei Lei, Jing Chen, Chunliang Yang, Yiqun Guo, Pan Feng, Tingyong Feng*, Hong Li*(2020). Metacognition-related regions modulate the reactivity effect of confidence ratings on perceptual decision-making, Neuropsychologia, doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107502SSCI一区出版时间:2020-7

Xueke Wang, Lu Chen, PeiWei Liu, Tingyong Feng*(2020). Orientation to and processing of social stimuli under normal and competitive conditions in children with Autism spectrum disorder, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 78:101641 (SSCI二区) 出版时间:2020-10

Hangfeng Huo, Carol A Seger, Dandan Zhou, Zhiyi Chen, Ting Xu, Rong Zhang, Tingyong Feng*, Qi Chen*(2020). The Assessment Dimension of Regulatory Mode mediates the relation between frontoparietal connectivity and Risk-taking: Evidence from voxel-base morphometry and Functional Connectivity Analysis, Brain and Cognition140: 105533 (SSCI二区) 出版时间:2020-4

Quan Li, Peiwei Liu, Ni Yan*, Tingyong Feng*(2020). Executive Function Training Improves Emotional Competence for Preschool Children: the Roles of Inhibition Control and Working Memory, Frontiers in Psychology, doi.org/10.3389/ fpsyg.2020.00347 (SSCI二区) 出版时间:2020-3

Shunmin Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2019). Modeling procrastination: asymmetric decisions to act between the present and the future, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1037/xge0000643(SSCI一区;国际心理学顶级期刊:实验心理学旗舰杂志)出版时间:2020-2

Zhiyi Chen, Peiwei Liu, Chenyan Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2019).Brain morphological dynamics of procrastination: the crucial role of the self-control, Emotional and Episodic Prospection Network, Cerebral Cortex, DOI: 10.1093/ cercor/bhz278(中科院SCI一区,神经科学Top期刊)出版时间:2020-5

Yuanyuan Xin, Pengfei Xu, Yuejia Luo*Tingyong Feng*(2019). Intrinsic prefrontal organization links achievement motivation and delay discounting, Brain Structure and Function, DOI:10.1007/s00429-019-01982-x中科院SCI一区)出版时间:2020-3

Yaqi Yang, Zhiyi Chen, Rong Zhang, Ting Xu, Tingyong Feng*(2019). Neural substrates underlying episodic future thinking: A voxel-based morphometry study, Neuropsychologia, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2019.107255 (SSCI一区) 出版时间:2020-2

Rong Zhang, Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng*(2019).The neural substrates responsible for how trait anxiety affects delay discounting: right hippocampal and cerebellar connectivity with bi-stable right inferior parietal lobule. Psychophysiology, DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13495 (SSCI一区) 出版时间:2020-3

TingXu, Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng* (2019). The preference for future outcomes correlates with the temporal variability of functional connectivity among brain regions, Behavioural Brain Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112111 (中科院SCI二区) 出版时间:2019-12-16

Shunmin Zhang, Peiwei Liu, Tingyong Feng*(2019).To do it now or later: the cognitive mechanism and neural substrates underlying procrastination, WIREs Cognitive Science, e1492 (SSCI一区) 出版时间:2019-07

Zhiyi Chen, Yiqun Guo, Shunmin Zhang, Tingyong Feng*(2019). Pattern classification differentiates decision of intertemporal choices using multi-voxel pattern analysis, Cortex, 111:183-195 (中科院SCI一区,行为科学top期刊) 出版时间:2019-02

Shunmin Zhang, Benjamin Becker, Qi Chen*, Tingyong Feng*(2019). Insufficient Task-outcome Association Promotes Task Procrastination through a Decrease of Hippocampal-striatal Interaction, Human Brain Mapping, 40(2): 597-607 (中科院SCI二区) 出版时间:2019-02

Ting Xu, Zhiyi Chen, Fuschia Sirois, Rong Zhang, Yaqi Yang,Tingyong Feng*(2019). Neuroanatomical substrates accounting for the effect of present hedonistic time perspective on risk preference: the mediating role of the right posterior parietal cortex, Brain Imaging and Behavior, DOI : 10.1007/s11682-019-00251-z(中科院SCI二区)出版时间:2021-2

Zhiyi Chen, Xingwang Hu, Qi Chen*, Tingyong Feng* (2019). Altered structural and functional brain network overall organization predict human intertemporal decision-making, Human Brain Mapping, 40(1):306-328 (中科院SCI二区) 出版时间:2019-01

Peiwei Liu, Tingyong Feng* (2019). The effect of future time perspective on procrastination: the role of parahippocampal gyrus and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13(3), 615-622(中科院SCI二区) 出版时间:2019-06

Mengmeng Wang, Zhiyi Chen, Shumin Zhang, Ting Xu, Rong Zhang, Tao Suo*, Tingyong Feng*(2019). High Self-Control Reduces Risk Preference: The Role of Connectivity Between Right Orbitofrontal Cortex and Right Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13: 194. (SCI二区) 出版时间:2019-03

Pan Feng, Benjamin Becker, Tingyong Feng*,  Yong Zheng* (2018). Alter spontaneous activity in amygdala and vmPFC during fear consolidation following 24 hours sleep deprivation, Neuroimage, 172, 461–469中科院SCI一区,神经成像top期刊

Pan Feng, Benjamin Becker, Yong Zheng, Tingyong Feng* (2018). Sleep deprivation affects fear memory consolidation: Bi-stable amygdala connectivity with insula and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 13(2): 145-155 (SSCI一区)

Zhiyi Chen,Yiqun Guo, Tingyong Feng* (2018). Coupling and Segregation of Large-scale Brain Networks Predict Individual Differences in Delay Discounting, Biological Psychology, 133, 63-71. (SSCI一区)

Shunmin Zhang, Juan Peng, Lingling Qin, Tingyong Feng* (2018). Prospective emotion enables episodic prospection to shift time preference, British Journal of Psychology,109(3):487-499 (SSCI一区)

Wenjian Xu, Ni Yan, Gang Chen, Xing Zhang, Tingyong Feng* (2018). Parent-Child Separation: The Relationship between Separation and Psychological Adjustment among Chinese Rural Children, Quality of Life Research, 27(4), 913-921 (SSCI一区).

Bin Lian, Jun Gao, Nan Sui, Tingyong Feng*, Ming Li* (2018). Object, Spatial and Social Recognition Testing in a Single Test Paradigm, Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 52:39-49SSCI一区

Yue Hu, Peiwei Liu, Yiqun Guo, Tingyong Feng* (2018). The neural substrates of procrastination: a voxel-based morphometry study, Brain and Cognition121, 11-16. (SSCI二区)

Zhiyi Chen,Yiqun Guo, Tingyong Feng* (2018). Neuroanatomical correlates of time perspective: a voxel-based morphometry study, Behavioural Brain Research, 339255-260 (SCI二区)

Yiqun Guo, Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng* (2017). The effect of Future time perspective on delay discounting is mediated by the gray matter volume of vmPFC, Neuropsychologia, 102229–236 (SSCI一区)

Peiwei Liu, Tingyong Feng* (2017). The overlapping brain region accounting for the relationship between procrastination and impulsivity: a voxel-based morphometry study, Neuroscience, 360: 9–17 (SCI二区; 入选Science杂志editors’ choice)

Zhiyi Chen,Yiqun Guo, Tingyong Feng* (2017).Delay discounting is predicted by scale-free dynamics of default mode network and salience network, Neuroscience, 362: 219–227 (SCI二区)

Yiqun Guo, Zhiyi Chen, Tingyong Feng* (2017). Neural substrates underlying balanced time perspective: A combined voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study, Behavioural Brain Research, 332:237-242(SCI二区)

Chenyan Zhang, Ni Yan, Tingyong Feng* (2017). The effect of regulatory mode on procrastination: Bi-stable parahippocampus connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate and anterior prefrontal cortex, Behavioural Brain Research, 329, 51-57(SCI二区)

Pan Feng, Yong Zheng, Tingyong Feng* (2016). Resting-state functional connectivity between amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex following fear reminder predicts fear extinction, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 11 (6): 991-1001 (SSCI一区).

Wenwen Zhang, Xiangpeng Wang, Tingyong Feng* (2016). Identifying the Neural Substrates of Procrastination: a Resting-State fMRI Study, Scientific Reports, 6,33203; doi:10.1038/srep33203 (SCI二区)

Weihua Zhao, Keith M Kendrick, Fei Chen, Hong Li, Tingyong Feng* (2016). Neural circuitry involved in quitting after repeated failures: role of the cingulate and temporal parietal junction, Scientific Reports, 6:24713; DOI: 10.1038/ srep24713 (SCI二区)

Pan Feng, Yong Zheng, Tingyong Feng* (2015). Spontaneous brain activity following fear reminder of fear conditioning by using resting-state functional MRI, Scientific Reports, 5, 16701; doi: 10.1038/srep16701. (SCI二区)

Yiqun Guo, Tingyong Feng* (2015). The Mediating Role of LPFC-vmPFC Functional Connectivity in The Relation Between Regulatory Mode And Delay Discounting, Behavioural Brain Research, 292, 252-258(SCI二区

Pan Feng, Tingyong Feng*, Zhencai Chen, Lei Xu(2014). Memory consolidation of fear conditioning: bistable amygdala connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal cortex, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9 (11): 1730-1737 (SSCI一区)

Weihua Zhao, Tingyong Feng*, Rebecca Kazinka(2014). The Extensibility of the Endowment Effect to Others is Mediated by Degree of Intimacy, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17(4), 296-301 (SSCI三区)

Lei Liu, Tingyong Feng*, Jing Chen, Hong Li (2013). The value of emotion: how does episodic prospection modulate delay discounting? PLOS one, 8(11): e81717 (SCI二区)

Tingyong Feng*, Pan Feng, Zhencai Chen(2013). Altered Resting-State Brain Activity at Functional MRI during automatic memory consolidation of fear conditioning, Brain Research, 1523, 58-67 (SCI二区).

Tingyong Feng*, Weihua Zhao, Gabriel F. Donnayc(2013). The endowment effect can extend from self to mother: Evidence from an fMRI study, Behavioural Brain Research, 248,74-79(SCI二区)

Jing Chen, Tingyong Feng*, Jinfu Shi, Lei Liu, Hong Li (2013).Neural Representation of Decision Confidence, Behavioural Brain Research. 245,50-57 (SCI二区).

Lei Liu, Tingyong Feng*, Kang Lee, Hong Li (2012). Adapting to the Destitute Situations: Poverty Cues Lead Short-term Choice, PLOS one, 7(4), e0033950. (SCI二区).

Lei Liu, Tingyong Feng*, Jianfeng Wang, Hong Li (2012). The neural dissociation of subjective valuation from choice processes in intertemporal choice, Behavioural Brain Research, 231, 40-47 (SCI二区).

Lei Liu, Tingyong Feng* (2012). The neural predictors of choice preference in intertemporal choice, Brain Research, 1436, 92-100 (SCI二区).

冯廷勇*,张碧滢(2023). 拖延行为的认知神经模型及干预心理科学进展,31 (3):  350-360

李玉华,霍珍珍,王雪珂,张李斌,冯廷勇*(2021). 小学生学业拖延量表的编制,中国临床心理学杂志,295):931-936. 发表时间:2021-9-28

冯廷勇,王雪珂,苏缇*(2021). 拖延行为的发展认知机制及神经基础,心理科学进展,294):586-576. 发表时间:2021-02-22

陈志毅, 苏缇,张荣,许婷,周凡,杨雅琪,冯廷勇*(2020). 拖延的大尺度脑网络效用连接模式:基于多态格兰杰因果模型分析,中国科学:生命科学, 154-69发表时间:2020-01-20


苏缇,郭逸群,陈志毅,张顺民,黄希庭*冯廷勇*(2019). 拖延的脑机制:基于大尺度脑网络的分析, 中国科学:生命科学,(1): 77–88 出版时间:2019-01

李泉,宋亚男,廉彬,冯廷勇*(2019). 正念训练提升3~4岁幼儿注意力和执行功能,心理学报513, 324-336 出版时间:2019-03

李泉, 廖丽莉, 廉彬, 冯廷勇*(2019). 执行功能对4岁幼儿情绪胜任力的影响:语言的中介作用,心理与行为研究17(3):340-347 出版时间:2019-06

魏佳明,冯廷勇*(2019). 预期想象对拖延的影响:想象过程和想象结果的效应分离,心理科学,42 (3): 619-625 出版时间:2019-05

冯攀,靳玉乐,郑涌,冯廷勇*(2018). 睡眠剥夺影响恐惧记忆巩固的神经机制:静息态低频波动振幅分析,中国科学:生命科学2018, 48. 

李泉, 宋武, 廉彬, 冯廷勇*(2018). 语言影响4~6岁彝、白、纳西族儿童延迟满足能力发展心理与行为研究, 2018, 16(5): 657-664.


卢剑,冯廷勇*(2017). 元认知:态度与说服研究的新视角,心理科学进展,25(5):866–877.

张顺民,冯廷勇*(2017). 拖延的决策模型,心理科学,40(5):1242-1247

张顺民,冯廷勇*(2017). 拖延的认知神经机制与基因:行为-脑-基因的多角度研究,心理科学进展,25(3):393-403.

徐文健, 冯廷勇*(2017). 留守年龄对留守儿童主观幸福感的影响:人格的中介作用,西南大学学报(社会科学版)43 (3) :95-102

郭逸群,冯廷勇*(2016). 调控方式影响跨期选择的神经基础: 内侧前额叶的中介作用,科学通报,61(32):3498 ~ 3508.

蔡曙光,张笑,冯廷勇*(2016). “先扬后抑”vs.“先抑后扬”:反馈顺序对决策信心建构的影响, 心理科学39 (3): 686-692

宋梅歌,苏缇,冯廷勇*(2015). 拖延行为的时间取向模型研究,心理科学进展23(7): 1216-1225

陈璐,冯廷勇*(2015). 孤独症儿童共同注意的神经基础及早期干预,心理科学进展23(7): 1205-1215

陶安琪,刘金平,冯廷勇*(2015). 时间洞察力对跨期选择偏好的预测,心理科学,2: 279-283

刘雷,苏缇,彭娟,郭逸群,冯廷勇*(2014). 延迟折扣的认知与神经机制:特质性与状态性研究取向,心理科学进展,22(7):1047-1061

张颖,冯廷勇*(2014). 青少年风险决策的发展认知神经机制,心理科学进展,22(7):1139-1148

张笑,冯廷勇*(2014). 决策信心在信息化从众中作用,心理科学,2014,37(3) :689-693

彭娟,冯廷勇*(2014). 成瘾人群跨期选择的神经机制及干预方法,心理科学进展,22(5): 810-821

辛媛媛,张笑,邓银,冯廷勇*(2014). 风险对两类跨期选择的影响: 一项ERP 研究. 心理学探新,34(4):311-315

冯攀、冯廷勇*(2013). 恐惧情绪加工的神经机制,心理学探新,33(3):209-214

马文娟,索涛,李亚丹,罗笠铢,冯廷勇*,李红*(2012). 得失框架效应的分离——来自收益与损失型跨期选择的研究,心理学报,44 (8): 1038-1046

索涛#冯廷勇#,罗俊龙,罗禹,李红*(2012). 结果的接近性对正性结果评价影响的电生理证据,心理学报,44 (8): 1047-1057

刘雷,赵伟华,冯廷勇*(2012). 跨期选择的认知机制与神经基础,心理科学,35(1):56-61

王慧,陈飞,刘雷,冯廷勇*(2012). 个体对效价预期和风险评估的时程加工机制:来自ERP的证据. 心理学探新, 32(2):139-145

陈晶,索涛,袁文萍,冯廷勇*(2011). 青少年结果预期与评价的ERP研究,心理学报,43(2):152-163

索涛#冯廷勇#,顾本柏,王会丽,李红*(2011). 责任归因对“做效应”的调控及其ERP证据,心理学报,43(12):1430-1440

顾本柏,袁文萍,马晓清,冯廷勇*(2011). 3~5岁幼儿在主题-规则冲突条件下的类比推理.心理发展与教育27(2):126-132


张娅玲,袁文萍,刘雷,冯廷勇*(2011).青少年风险决策的时程加工机制: 来自ERP 的证据,心理学探新,31(3):223-229


赵伟华,索涛,冯廷勇*,李红(2010). 禀赋效应的研究现状与展望,心理科学,33(5):1180-118

冯廷勇*,刘雁飞,易阳,张娅玲(2010). 当代大学生学习适应性研究进展与教育对策,西南大学学报(人文社科版)36(2): 135-139

冯廷勇,苏缇,胡兴旺,李红*(2006). 大学生学习适应量表的编制,心理学报, 38(5):762~769

冯廷勇,李宇,李红*,苏缇,龙长权(2006). 3~5岁儿童表面与结构相似性类比推理的实验研究,心理科学,29(5):1091~1095











8. 跨期选择的神经机制及病理研究(主持),国家自然科学基金面上项目,经费70万元,2013年1月—2016年12月


10. 大学生学习适应状况调查及对策研究(主持),教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目,经费5万元,2007年12月—2010年12月

11. 时间认知与决策(主持),中央高校基本科研业务经费创新团队项目,经费80万元,2020年6月—2024年6月


13. 恐惧情绪的记忆巩固与消退的认知神经机制(主持),中央高校基本科研业务经费重大培育项目,经费20万元,2013年1月—2015年12月


15. 时间洞察力影响拖延行为的认知神经机制(主持),重庆市人文社会科学重点研究基地重点项目,经费5万,20169—2017年9月





1. 主  编   青少年心理成长护航丛书(4本)《充满奥妙的心理学》、《走进心理学大师》、《神奇的心理学实验》、《奇妙的心理错觉》,西南师范大学出版社,2012(重庆优秀科普图书一等奖)

2. 副主编 教师教育主干课程教材《心理学基础》,高等教育出版社,2009

3. 副主编  国家“十一五”教材规划教材《幼儿心理学》,人民教育出版社,2006

4. 参  编    “发展心理学的研究方法”,《高等师范院校专业基础课教材:发展心理学》(第三章),科学教育出版社,2012


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