








主要经历:077月毕业于全球信誉最好的网投平台,获得博士学位。于047月留校,在西南大学心理学院从事科研和教学工作。201112月,前往重庆医科大学跟随谢鹏教授(973首席科学家)做博士后研究工作。期间曾前往中国科学院心理所跟随罗跃嘉研究员学习ERP技术,前往北京师范大学国家重点实验室跟随刘嘉教授学习FMRI技术。目前以第一作者或通讯作者身份在国际高水平SCI/SSCI期刊发表学术论文近200余篇,主要刊登在Trends in Cognitive Sciences (IF= 24.4), American Psychologist (IF=16.3)American Journal of Psychiatry (5-year IF=14.5), IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IF=13.9)Brain(5-year IF=11.9), Cerebral Cortex (IF2010=7.3), Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (IF=5.2), Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (5-year IF=4.2), Neuroimage (5-year IF=6.7), Psychological Medicine (5-year IF=6.5)等心理学以及认知神经科学领域的权威杂志上,总引用次数达7000余次。连续入选Elsevier心理学领域的中国高被引学者。在2021年基于全球学者库针对精神疾病领域建立的学术影响力百强学者排名中,位列第10位。



















2013-2016, 获得重庆市首届青年拔尖人才资助。




2011-2013主持国家自然科学基金面上项目社会比较影响奖励加工的大脑机制”, 项目批准号:31070900

2009-2011主持国家自然科学基金青年项目"顿悟问题解决中原型激活的认知神经机制", 项目批准号:30800293


2021 国家级领军人才入选者

2020 中国心理学会认定心理学家

2019 重庆市英才计划创新领军人

2019 重庆市巴渝学者

2018 教育部特聘计划

2018 重庆市专家工作室领衔专家

2015  国家级青年人才

2013 重庆市首届青年拔尖人才

2012 重庆青年五四红旗手

2011 教育部新世纪优秀人才


Yang, W., Green, A. E., Chen, Q., Kenett, Y. N., Sun, J., Wei, D., & Qiu, J(通讯). (2022). Creative problem solving in knowledge-rich contexts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (IF= 24.4). DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2022.06.012.

Mao, Y., Chen, Q., Wei, D., Yang, W., Sun, J., Yu, Y., Zhuang, K., Wang, X., He, L., Feng, T., Lei, X., He, Q., Chen, H., Duan, S., & Qiu, J(通讯). (2022). Resting-state functional connectome predicts individual differences in depression during COVID-19 pandemic. American Psychologist (IF=16.3). Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0001031

Mao, Y., Wei, D., Yang, W., Sun, J., Yu, Y., Zhuang, K., ... & Qiu, J(通讯). (2022). A Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (IF=13.9)https://doi.org/10.1109/TAFFC.2022.3181671

Huo, T., Xia, Y., Zhuang, K., Chen, Q., Sun, J., Yang, W., & Qiu, J(通讯). (2022). Linking functional connectome gradient to individual creativity. Cerebral Cortex (5-Year IF=5.9)

李依蔓刘程庄恺祥霍腾宾徐鹏飞罗跃嘉邱江(通讯). (2021). 人格特质及脑功能连接对社交网络的影响心理学报, 53(12), 17.


He, L., Wei, D., Yang, F., Zhang, J., Cheng, W., Feng, J., ... &Qiu, J(通讯). (2021). Functional Connectome Prediction of Anxiety Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Psychiatry (5-year IF=14.5), appi-ajp.

Liu,P., Yang, W., Zhuang, K., Wei, D., &Qiu, J. (通讯). The functional connectome predicts feeling of stress on regular days and during the covid-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of StressIF=7.2, 202114(3), 100285.

Zhuang, K., Yang, W., Li, Y., Zhang, J., &Qiu, J. (通讯). Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations. NeuroImage5-year IF=6.7, 2020227, 117632.

He, L., Zhuang, K., Chen, Q., Wei, D., &Qiu, J. (通讯). Unity and diversity of neural representation in executive functions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General5-year IF=5.2,2021.

Chen,Q.L., Xia,Y.M., Zhuang, K.X., Wu, X.R., Liu, G.Y., &Qiu, J.(通讯). Decreased inter-hemispheric interactions but increased intra-hemispheric integration during typical aging. Aging (5-Year IF=5.5) (Albany NY), 2019, 11(22), 10100.

Tan, Y.F, Vandeput, J, Qiu, J(通讯), Van den Bergh, O, & von Leupoldt, A. The error-related negativity for error processing in interoception. Neuroimage (5-Year IF=6.7), 2019,184, 386-395.

Wei,D.T., Wang, K.C.,Meng,J.&Qiu, J (通讯).The reductions in the subcallosal region cortical volume and surface area in major depressive disorder across the adult life span. Psychological Medicine (5-year IF=6.5). 2019.

Chen, Q., Beaty, R. E., Cui, Z., Sun, J., He, H., Zhuang, K., ... &Qiu, J.(通讯) Brain hemispheric involvement in visuospatial and verbal divergent thinking. Neuroimage(5-Year IF=6.7). 2019, 202, 116065.

Wu, X., Shi, L., Wei, D., &Qiu, J.(通讯). Brain connection pattern under interoceptive attention state predict interoceptive intensity and subjective anxiety feeling. Human brain mapping (5-Year IF=5.1). 2019,40(6), 1760-1773.

Xia, Y., Chen, Q., Shi, L., Li, M., Gong, W., Chen, H., &Qiu, J.(通讯). Tracking the dynamic functional connectivity structure of the human brain across the adult lifespan. Human brain mapping (5-Year IF=5.1). 2019, 40 (3), 717-728.

Shi, L., Beaty, R. E., Chen, Q., Sun, J., Wei, D., Yang, W., &Qiu, J.(通讯) Brain Entropy is Associated with Divergent Thinking. Cerebral Cortex (5-Year IF=5.9).2019.

Wei, D., Zhuang, K., Ai, L., Chen, Q., Yang, W., Liu, W., ... &Qiu, J.(通讯) Structural and functional brain scans from the cross-sectional Southwest University adult lifespan dataset. Scientific Data (5-Year IF=6.7).2018,5, 180134.

Sun, J.Z, Liu, Z.W, Rolls, E. T., Chen, Q.L, Yao, Y, Yang, W.J, Wei, D.T, Zhang, Q.L, Zhang, J*, Feng, J.F*. &Qiu, J.(通讯). Verbal creativity correlates with the temporal variability of brain networks during the resting state. Cerebral Cortex (5-Year IF=5.9), 2019,29(3), 1047-1058.

Liu, Z., Zhang, J., Xie, X., Rolls, E. T., Sun, J., & Zhang, K., Qiu, J.(通讯) Neural and genetic determinants of creativity.Neuroimage (5-Year IF=6.7).2018, 174: 164-176.

Beaty RE, Kenett YN, Christensen AP, Rosenberg MD, Benedek M, Chen QL, Fink A, Qiu J, Kwapil TR, Kane MJ, Silvia PJ. Robust prediction of individual creative ability from brain functional connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 1087-1092.

Chen QL, Beaty RE, Wei DT, Yang JY,Sun JZ, Liu W, Yang WJ, Zhang QL, Qiu J(通讯).Longitudinal Alterations of Frontoparietal and Frontotemporal Networks Predict Future Creative Cognitive Ability. Cerebral Cortex (5-Year IF=5.9),2018, 103-115.

Liu,W., Wei,DT., Chen,QL., Yang,WJ., Meng,J., Wu,GR., Bi,TY., Zhang, QL., Zuo,XN.*, Qiu,J.(通讯) Longitudinal test-retest neuroimaging data from healthy young adults in southwest China. Scientific Data (5-Year IF=6.7). 2017,4.

Cheng W, Rolls ET, Qiu J (并列第一), Liu W, Tang YQ, Huang CC,Wang XF, Zhang J, Lin W, Zheng LR, Pu JC, Tsai SJ, Yang AC, Lin CP, Wang F, Xie P, Feng JF. Medial reward and lateral non-reward orbitofrontal cortex circuits change in opposite directions in depression. Brain (5-year IF=11.9), 2016, 3296-3309.

Yu,Q., Zhang,P., Qiu,J., and Fang,F. Perceptual learning of contrast detection in the human lateral geniculate nucleus. Current Biology (IF=8.9), 2016,3176-3182.

Sun JZ, Chen QL, Zhang QL, Li YD, Li HJ, Wei DT, Yang WJ and Qiu J(通讯). Training Your Brain to Be More Creative: Brain Functional and Structural Changes Induced by Divergent Thinking TrainingHuman Brain Mapping (IF=6.9), 2016, 36(10): 3375–3387.

Li W, Yang J, Zhang Q, Li G, Qiu J(通讯). The Association between Resting Functional Connectivity and Visual Creativity. ScientificReport (IF=5.0), 2016.

Tian X, Wei DT, Du X, Wang KC, Yang JY, Liu W, Meng J, Liu HJ, Liu GY, Qiu J(通讯). Prediction of trait and state anxiety by using the resting state fMRI: a longitudinal study. NeuroImage(5-Year IF=6.7), 2016.

Wu X, Yang WJ, Tong DD, Sun JZ, Chen QL, Zhang M, Qiu J(通讯). A meta- analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping (IF=6.9), 2015, 36(7): 2703–2718.

Wang, K. C. ,Wei, D. T. , Yang, J. Y. , Xie, P., Hao, X., &Qiu, J(通讯). Individual differences in rumination in healthy and depressive samples: association with brain structure, functional connectivity and depression. Psychological Medicine (5-Year IF=6.5), 2015, 45 (14): 2999-3008.

Li, HJ., Wei, DT., Browning, M., Du, X., Zhang, QL., &Qiu, J(通讯). Attentional bias modification (ABM) training induces spontaneous brain activity changes in young women with subthreshold depression: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine (5-Year IF=6.5), 2015,46(5):1-12.

Wei, DT., Li, WF., Chen, QL., Li, HJ., Hao X, Zhang L, Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Regional gray matter volume and anxiety-related trait interact to predict somatic complaints in non-clinical sample. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (5-Year IF=6.7), 2015, 10 (1): 122-128.

Li, WF., Li, XT, Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯), Liu, J. Brain Structure Links Trait Creativity to Openness to Experience. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (5-Year IF=6.7),2015,10(2):191-198.

Chen, QL.,Yang, WJ., Zhang, QL., Wei, DT., Li, HJ., Qiao L, Qiu, J(通讯). Association of creative achievement with cognitive flexibility by a combined voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study. NeuroImage (5-Year IF=6.7), 2014, 102(2):474-483.

Zhang, X., Qiu, J., Zhang, Y., Han, S., & Fang, F. Mis-binding of Color and Motion in Human Visual Cortex. Current Biology (IF=9.9), 2014, 24(12):1354-1360.

Varnum, M. E., Shi, Z., Chen, A., Qiu, J., & Han, S. When “Your” reward is the same as “My” reward: Self-construal priming shifts neural responses to own vs. friends' rewards. NeuroImage (5-Year IF=6.7), 2014, 87, 164-169.

Li, HJ., Li, WF., Wei, DT., Chen, QL., Jackson, T., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Examining Brain Structures Associated with Perceived Stress in a Large Sample of Young Adults Via Voxel-Based Morphometry. Neuroimage (5-Year IF=6.7), 2014, 92, 1-7.

Sun, JZ., Li, HJ., Li, WF., Wei, DT., Hitchman, G., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Regional Gray Matter Volume is associated with Rejection Sensitivity: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience (5-Year IF=5.3), 2014, 14(3):1077-1085.

Wei, DT., Yang, JY., Li, WF., Wang, KC., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J(通讯). Increased resting functional connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in Creativity by means of Cognitive Stimulation. Cortex (IF=6.0), 2014, 51, 92-102.

Qiu J, Yu CY, Li H, Jou, J., Tu S, Wang T, Wei DT, Zhang QL. The impact of social comparison on the neural substrates of reward processing: An Event-Related Potential study. Neuroimage(5-Year IF=6.7), 2010,49:956–962.

Qiu, J., Li, H., Jou, J., Liu, J., Luo, Y.J., Feng, T.Y., Wu, Z.Z., Zhang QL. Neural correlates of the "Aha" experiences: Evidence from an fMRI Study of insight problem solving. Cortex, 2010,46:397-403.

Qiu J, Su YH, Li H, Wei DT, Tu S, Zhang QL. How personal earthquake experience impacts on the Stroop interference effect: an event-related potential study. Psychophysiology, 2010, 47(6):995-1001.

邱江张庆林创新思维中原型激活促进顿悟的认知神经机制心理科学进展, 2011, 19(3):312-317.