









1987年毕业于西南师范大学教育系,留校工作。2003年获得西南师范大学基础心理学博士学位。1994年至今在西南大学心理学院(部)工作。2003年赴University of Wisconsin作访问学者;2005年赴澳大利亚James Cook University作访问学者。已发表论文300余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文150余篇,总引次数5104次,单篇论文最高引用次数 167次。H指数41,I10指数115,以第一作者和通讯作者在国际心理学TOP期刊Clinical Psychology Review(IF = 17.53)、Obesity Reviews(IF=10.18),Psychological Medicine (IF=10.59),Journal of Abnormal Psychology(美国心理学会(APA)旗舰杂志,IF=6.29),Journal of Counseling psychology(APA旗舰杂志),Developmental Psychology(APA旗舰杂志)、国内《科学通报》、《心理学报》、《心理科学进展》等核心期刊上发表论文。







1. 国家社科基金重大项目,新时代中国社区心理学的理论建构与实践路径研究,项目号22&ZD184

2. 2022-2026 科技部科技创新2030重大项目“中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究—西南大学队列建设”,2340万

3. 2023-2026 主持国家自科基金:基于双系统模型的儿童超重/肥胖的认知神经机制,项目号32271087

4. 2019-2022 主持教育部重大专项子课题,党的创新理论引领贯穿中国哲学社会科学知识体系

5. 2018-2022 主持国家自然基金面上项目“基于目标冲突模型的限制性饮食认知神经机制”,项目号31771237

6. 2012-2014 主持国家社科基金项目“中国公民幸福指数的指标体系研究”,编号12XSH018

7. 2012-2015 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“限制性饮食者对食物信息的注意偏向及脑机制研究”,项目号31170981

8. 2020-2025 主持重庆市高校哲学社会科学协同创新团队“儿童青少年心理健康”,项目号7110200530

9. 2018-2022 主持重庆市2011脑科学协同中心重大项目“认识脑计划”

10. 2009-2010 主持科技部973项目子课题“我国西部高危人群暴露前用药减少HIV新发感染的可接受性和依从性研究-心理学视角”,项目编号2008ZX10001-016

11. 2008-2011 主持教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-2008-0870)

12. 2008-2010 主持211工程国家重点学科建设项目“自我与文化差异及其脑机制研究”,项目号NSKD08004

13. 2009-2011 主持教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“学生体质健康突出问题(超重和肥胖)的影响因素及干预研究”,项目号08JAXLX014

14. 2009-2011 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:胖-负面身体自我的注意偏好与脑机制研究,项目号30870774

15. 2007-2009 主持教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(教外司留[2007]24):青少年负面身体自我预测因子的跨文化比较

16. 2005-2009 主持教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国心理健康服务体系的对策与现状研究”子课题,项目号05JZD00031

17. 2005-2008 持教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目《建设和谐社会进程中西南地区民族心理研究》子课题,西南民族自我意识的研究,项目号05JJD880067


2001.1全国优秀教学成果奖二等奖,面向21世纪高师公共课心理学教学内容和课程体系改革”, 排名第五

2020.12教育部第八届高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,三等奖,Differences in neural activation to depictions of physical exercise and sedentary activity: An fMRI study of overweight and lean Chinese womenInternational Journal of Obesity,排名第一

2013.2教育部第六届高等学校人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖,三等奖,Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Eating Disorder Endorsements among Adolescents and Young Adults from China, 排名第一

2022.12 1. 重庆市第十一次社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖





陈红总主编,陈本有、吴钰濛主编 (2022). 婴幼儿心理发展教育指南. 社区心理健康服务丛书

陈红总主编,李彦章主编 (2022). 失能老人心理安抚指南:家庭与社区手册. 社区心理健康服务丛书. 社区心理健康服务丛书




陈红编著,黄希庭审.人格心理学笔记.北京:商务印书馆, 2013.








1. Yang, Y. K., Wang, J. J., Qiu, J., Feng, T. Y., He, QH., Lei, X., & Chen, H.* (2023). Perigenual anterior cingulate cortex and its structural covariance as predictors for future body fat gain in young adults. Obesity, 31(2), 446-453.

2. Luo, Y. J., Chen, X. M., Zeng, W. Y., Xiao, M., Liu, Y., Gao, X., & Chen, H*. (2023). Associations of harsh, unpredictable environment, amygdala connectivity and overeating for children. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 120, 110644.

3. Yang, Y., Wang, J, Qiu, J, Feng, T., He, Q., Lei, X., Chen, H*. (2022). Perigenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex and its Structural Covariance as Predictors for Future Body Fat Gain in Young Adults, Obesity, in press.

4. Du, X., Li, Q., Xiang, G., Xiao, M., Liu, X., Chen, X., . . . Chen, H. (2023). The relationship between brain neural correlates, self-objectification, and interoceptive sensibility. Behavioural Brain Research, 439, 114227-114227.

5. 李为, 边子茗, 陈曦梅, 王俊杰, 罗一君, 刘永, 宋诗情, 高笑 & 陈红*. (2023). 9~12 岁儿童应激与额颞区的关联:来自多模态脑影像的证据. 心理学报.

6. 杜肖丽,陈红*Cody Ding,徐梦思,袁树歌,张利杰. (2023). 社会排斥对视觉工作记忆容量的影响. 心理科学, 46(01):11-18.

7. 冷雪晨, 陈红*, 姚家宜, 杨乔乔, 陈亦宣. (2023). 肥胖女性对食物信息加工的情景记忆特点. 应用心理学 (接收)

8. 范琳琳,陈红*,刘馨元. 大学生文化取向和自我客体化的关系:显性自恋的中介作用,心理科学. (接收)


9. Yang, Y., Shields, G. S., Zhang, Y., Wu, H., Chen, H*., & Romer, A. L. (2022). Child executive function and future externalizing and internalizing problems: A meta-analysis of prospective longitudinal studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 102194. (SSCI1, IF = 17.532)

10. Luo, Y., Jackson, T., Chang, L, & Chen, H*. (2022). Testing links between unfavorable living conditions, fast life-history strategy adoption, and overeating: A four-wave longitudinal study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, (SSCI1, IF=5.902)

11. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Huang, X., Chen, H*. (2022). Examining the associations of trait self-control with hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI1). Accept.

12. Chen, X., Xiao, M., Qin, J., Bian, Z., Qiu, J., Feng, T., ... & Chen, H*. (2022). Association between high levels of bodyesteem and increased degree of midcingulate cortex global connectivity: A resting state fMRI study. Psychophysiology, e14072. (SSCI1)

13. Luo, L., Xiao, M., Luo, Y., Yi, H., Dong, D., Liu, Y., Chen, X., Li, W., & Chen, H*. (2022). Knowing what you feel: Inferior frontal gyrus-based structural and functional neural patterns underpinning adaptive body awareness. Journal of affective disorders, 315, 224233. (SSCI2)

14. Liu, X., Liu, Y., Song S., Xiang, G., Du. X., Li, Q., Xiao, M., Ling, Y., & Chen, H*. (2022). “Free won’t” of food in overweight and normal-weight adults: Comparison of neurocognitive correlates of intentional and reactive inhibitions. Neuropsychologia, 108351.(在线发表)(SSCI2区)

15. Yang, Y., Li, Q., Wang, J., Lou, Y., Xiao, M., & Chen, H*., et al. (2022). The powerful brain: Neural correlates of sense of power and hope. Neuropsychologia.SSCI2区)

16. Han, J., Zhuang, K., Yi, H., Jiang, Y., Ling, Y., Fan, L., ... & Chen, H*. (2022). Neurotic people tend to eat less when disinhibited: The mediating role of food-related cognitive flexibility in restrained eaters. Appetite, 106309. (SCI 2)

17. Leng, X., Huang, Y., Zhao, S., Jiang, X., Shi, P., Chen, H.* (2022). Altered neural correlates of episodic memory for food and non-food cues in females with overweight/obesity. Appetite,106074 (SCI 2)

18. Song, S., Li, Q., Jiang, Y., Liu, Y., Xu, A., Liu, X., & Chen, H. (2022). Do Overweight People Have Worse Cognitive Flexibility? Cues-Triggered Food Craving May Have a Greater Impact. Nutrients, 14(2), 240. (SCI 2)

19. 杨超, 陈红,胡小勇, 王艳丽, 罗一君.2022)不同社区责任感水平的居民对利他信息内隐认知加工的差异.心理科学,20 22,45(02):402-408. A1


20. Xiang, G. C., Li, Q. Q., Xiao, M. Y., He, L., Chen, X. M., Du, X. L., Liu, X. Y., Song, S. Q., Wu, Y., & Chen, H.* (2021). Goal Setting and Attaining: Neural Correlates of Positive Coping Style and Hope. Psychophysiology, e13887. (SSCI Q1)

21. Chen, X., Gao, X., Qin, J., Wang, C., Xiao, M., Tian, Y., Luo, Y., Qiu, J., Feng, T., He, Q., Lei, X., & Chen, H.* (2021). Resting-state functional network connectivity underlying eating disorder symptoms in healthy young adults. NeuroImage: Clinical, 102671.(SCI Q1)

22. Xiao, M., Chen, X., Yi, H., Luo, Y., Yan, Q., Feng, T., He, Q., Lei, X, Qiu, J, & Chen, H* (2021). Stronger functional network connectivity and social support buffer against negative affect during the COVID-19 outbreak and after the pandemic peak. Neurobiology of Stress. Accept. (SCI Q2)

23. Luo, Y. J., Jackson, T., Stice, E., & Chen, H.* (2021). Effectiveness of an internet dissonance-based eating disorder prevention intervention among body dissatisfied young Chinese women. Behavior Therapy, 52 (1), 221-233. (SSCI Q2).

24. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Li, X., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Luo, Y., Xiao, M., Chen, H.* (2021). Trait self-control and disinhibited eating in COVID-19: The mediating role of perceived mortality threat and negative affect. Appetite, 167. (SSCI Q2)

25. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Xiao, M., Chen, H. *(2021). Trait self-control mediates the association between resting-state neural correlates and emotional well-being in late adolescence. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, (SSCI Q2).

26. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Huang, X., Chen, H. *(2021). Examining the associations of trait self-control with hedonic and eudaimonic well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies (SSCI Q2)

27. Bian, Z. M., Yang, R. L., Yang, X. M., Liu, Y., Gao, X., & Chen, H.* (2021). Influence of negative mood on restrained eaters' memory suppression of food cues: an event-related potentials study. Appetite, 164. (SSCI Q2)

28. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Xiao, M., Huang, X., Chen, H. *(2021). The Association of Sense of Power with Well-Being Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Hope-Agency. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied. (SSCI Q2).

29. Li, Q., Xiang, G., Song, S., Chen, H.* (2021). How people reach their goals: Neural basis responsible for trait self-control association with hope. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111228. (SSCI Q3).

30. Chen, X., Huang, Y., Xiao, M., Luo, Y., Liu, Y., Song, S., … Chen, H*. (2021). Self and the brain: Self-concept mediates the effect of resting-state brain activity and connectivity on self-esteem in school-aged children. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110287. (SSCI Q3).

31. Han, J. F#., Leng, X. C#., Gu, X. L., Li, Q. Q., & Chen, H*. (2021). The role of neuroticism and subjective social status in the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110356 (SSCI Q3)

32. Leng, X., Xiao, M., Bian, Z., Zhang, Y., Shi, P., & Chen, H.* (2021). Episodic memory for food and non-food cues in females with obesity. Eating Behaviors, 40, 101472. (SSCI Q3)

33. Leng, X., Xiao, M., Bian, Z., Zhang, Y., Shi, P., & Chen, H.* (2021). Episodic memory for food and non-food cues in females with obesity. Eating Behaviors, 40, 101472. (SSCI Q3)

34. 冷雪晨, 陈红, 边子茗, 史攀, 黄于飞. (2021). 超重女性对食物信息加工的注意偏向和记忆偏向. 心理科学, 44(3), 651-658. (国内A2)

35. 陈红, 刘馨元. (2021). 中国人限制性饮食和食物渴求的认知神经机制. 心理科学进展, 29(6), 951-958. (国内A2)

36. 杨超,陈红,胡小勇,王艳丽,罗一君. (2021). 不同社区责任感水平的居民对利他信息内隐认知加工的差异. 心理科学. (国内A2,已录用)

37. 蒋欣桐,陈红,胡小勇,冷雪晨,宋诗情,王艳丽. (2021). 亲密关系付出感问卷的编制及信效度检验. 中国临床心理学杂志, 29(4):708-711. CSSCI

38. 向光璨, 陈红, 王艳丽, 李庆庆. (2021). 青少年自我概念清晰性与主观幸福感的关系: 基于潜在剖面分析. 西南大学学报(社会科学版).


39. Yang, Y. K., Shields, G. S., Wu, Q., Liu, Y. L., Chen, H., Guo, C. (2020). The association between obesity and lower working memory is mediated by inflammation: Findings from a nationally representative dataset of US adults. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 84, 173-179. (SCI Q1)

40. Luo, Y. J., Jackson, T., Niu, G. F., & Chen, H.* (2020). Effects of gender and appearance comparisons on associations between media-based appearance pressure and disordered eating: Testing a moderated mediation model. Sex Roles, 82(5), 293-305. (SSCI Q1)

41. Li, Q., Xiao, M., Song, S. Q., Huang, Y., Chen, X., Liu, Y., Chen, H*. (2020). The personality dispositions and resting-state neural correlates associated with aggressive children. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 15(9), 1004-1016.SSCI Q1)

42. Zhang, X., Liu, Y., Gu, Y., Wang, S., & Chen, H. *(2020). Red for “Stop”: “Traffic-Light” Nutrition Labels Decrease Unhealthy Food Choices by Increasing Activity and Connectivity in the Frontal Lobe. Nutrients, 12(1), 128. (SCI Q1)

43. Chen, X., Luo, Y. & Chen, H.* (2020). Body image victimization experiences and disordered eating behaviors among Chinese female adolescents: The role of body dissatisfaction and depression. Sex Roles,83,7-8. (SSCI Q1)

44. Yang, C., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., & Chen, H.* (2020). The effect of sense of community responsibility on residents’ altruistic behavior: Evidence from the dictator game. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(2), 460. (SSCI Q1)

45. Wang, Y. L., Yang, C., Hu, X, Y., & Chen, H.* (2020). The mediating effect of community identity between socioeconomic status and sense of gain in Chinese adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(5):1553. (SSCI Q1)

46. Liu, Q. J., Liu, Y., Leng, X. C., Han, J. F., Xia, F., & Chen, H.* (2020). Impact of chronic stress on attention control: Evidence from behavioral and event-related potential analyses. Neuroscience Bulletin, (SCI Q2)

47. Xiang, G. C., Li, Q. Q, Du, X. L., Liu, X. Y., Xiao, M. Y., & Chen, H. (2020). Links between family cohesion and subjective well-being in adolescents and early adults: The mediating role of self-concept clarity and hope. Current Psychology. (SSCI Q2).

48. Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Jackson, T., Wang, J., Yang, R., & Chen, H. (2020). Effects of negative mood state on event-related potentials of restrained eating subgroups during an inhibitory control task. Behavioural Brain Research, 112249. (SCI Q2)

49. Liu, Y., Gao, X., Zhao, J., Zhang, L., & Chen, H. (2020). Neurocognitive correlates of food-related response inhibition in overweight/obese adults. Brain Topography, 33(1), 101-111. (SCI Q2)

50. Zhang, Y., Wang, S., (共一) Wei, L., Jackson, T., Gao, X., Xiao, M. Y., Go, G. L., Chen, H.* (2020). Resting state differences between successful and unsuccessful restrained eaters. Brain Imaging and Behavior. (SCI Q2).

51. Leng, X. C., Han, J. F.,(共一) Zheng, Y. C., Hu, X. Y., Chen, H.* (2020). The role of a “happy personality” in the relationship of subjective social status and domain-specific satisfaction in China. Applied Research in Quality of Life. (SSCI Q2)

52. Yang, C., Wang, Y., Brian, J. H., & Chen, H.* (2020). Sense of community responsibility and altruistic behavior in Chinese community residents: The mediating role of community identity. Current Psychology, in press. (SSCI Q2)

53. Han, J. F., Leng,X.C., Gu, X. L., Li, Q. Q., & Chen, H.* The role of neuroticism and subjective social status in the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction, Personality and Individual Differences, in press. (SSCI Q2)

54. 陈曦梅, 罗一君, 陈红. (2020). 友谊质量与青少年直觉进食:链式中介模型及性别差异. 心理学报, 52(4), 485-496.

55. 罗一君, 牛更枫 (共一), 陈红. (2020). 生命早期环境不可预测性对过度进食的影响:基于生命史理论. 心理学报, 52(10), 1224-1236.

56. 史攀, 黄于飞, 张翰之, 冷雪晨, 陈红. (2020). 消极身体意象对青少年的负面影响. 心理科学进展, 28(2), 294-304.


57. Yang, Y., Shields, G. S., Wu, Q., Liu, Y., Chen, H.*, & Guo, C. (2019). Cognitive training on eating behaviour and weight loss: A meta‐analysis and systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 20(11), 1628-1641. (SCI Q1)

58. Liu, Y., Quan, H., Song, S., Zhang, X., Yang, C., & Chen, H.* (2019). Decreased Conflict Control in Overweight Chinese Females: Behavioral and Event-Related Potentials Evidence. Nutrients, 11(7), 1450. (SSCI Q1)

59. Liu, Y., Zhao, J., Zhang, X., Gao, X., Xu, W., & Chen, H.* (2019). Overweight adults are more impulsive than normal weight adults: Evidence from ERPs during a chocolate-related delayed discounting task.Neuropsychologia,133, 107181. (SSCI Q1)

60. Zhou, Y., Gao, X., Small, D. M., & Chen, H.* (2019). Extreme spicy food cravers displayed increased brain activity in response to pictures of foods containing chili peppers: An fMRI study. Appetite, 142, 104379. (SSCI Q1)

61. Song, S., Zhang, Y., Qiu, J., Li, X., Ma, K., Chen, S., & Chen, H.* (2019). Brain structures associated with eating behaviors in normal-weight young females. Neuropsychologia. 133,107171. (SCI Q1)

62. Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Jackson, T., Wang, J., Yang, R., & Chen, H.* (2019). Effects of Negative Mood State on Event-Related Potentials of Restrained Eating Subgroups During an Inhibitory Control Task. Behavioural Brain Research, 112249. (SCI Q2)

63. Liu, Y., Gao, X., Zhao, J., Zhang, L., & Chen, H.* (2019). Neurocognitive Correlates of Food-Related Response Inhibition in Overweight/Obese Adults. Brain Topography, 1-11. (SCI Q2)

64. Luo, Y. J., Niu, G. F., Kong, F. C., & Chen, H.* (2019). Online interpersonal sexual objectification experiences and Chinese adolescent girls' intuitive eating: The role of broad conceptualization of beauty and body appreciation. Eating behaviors, 33, 55-60. (SSCI Q2)

65. Zhang, X., Luo, Y., Liu, Y., Yang, C., & Chen, H.* (2019). Lack of conflict during food choice is associated with the failure of restrained eating. Eating behaviors, 34. (SSCI Q2)

66. Chen, S., Jackson, T., Dong, D., Zhuang, Q., & Chen, H.* (2019). Effects of Palatable Food Versus Thin Figure Conflicts on Responses of Young Dieting Women. Frontiers in psychology, 10. (SSCI Q2)

67. Huang, Y., Li, X., Jackson, T., Chen, S., Meng, J., Jiang, Q., & Chen, H.* (2019). Interaction effect of sex and body mass index on gray matter volume. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13. (SCI Q2).

68. Shi, P., Huang, Y., Kou, H., Wang, T., & Chen, H.* (2019). Risk factors for facial appearance dissatisfaction among orthognathic patients: Comparing patients to a non-surgical sample. Frontiers in Psychology, 10: 2775. (SSCI Q2)

69. Hou, X., Zeng, J., Chen, H.*, Su, L. (2019). The endowment effect in the genes: An exploratory study. Judgment & Decision Making, 14(3), 293-298. (SSCI Q2).

70. 胡小勇, 杨沈龙, 钟琪, 喻丰, 陈红. (2019). 社会阶层与健康的关系: “社会-心理-生理机制. 科学通报, 64(2), 194-205.

71. 王劭睿, 陈红. (2019). 为何越减越肥?——限制性饮食者过度进食的心理机制及影响因素. 心理科学进展, 27(2), 322-328.


72. Gao, X., Liang, Q., Wu, G., She, Y., Sui, N., & Chen, H.* (2018). Decreased resting-state BOLD regional homogeneity and the intrinsic functional connectivity within dorsal striatum is associated with greater impulsivity in food-related decision-making and BMI change at 6-month follow up. Appetite, 127, 69-78. (SSCI Q1)

73. Shi, L., Sun, J., Wu, X., Wei, D., Chen, Q., Yang, W., Chen, H.*, & Qiu, J. (2018). Brain networks of happiness: dynamic functional connectivity among the default, cognitive and salience networks relates to subjective well-being. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 13(8), 851-862. (SSCI Q1)

74. Wei, L., Hu, X., Yuan, Y., Liu, W., & Chen, H.* (2018). Abnormal ventral tegmental area-anterior cingulate cortex connectivity in Parkinson’s disease with depression. Behavioural brain research, 347, 132-139. (SCI Q2)

75. Wei, L., Chen, H.*, & Wu, G. R. (2018). Structural covariance of the prefrontal-amygdala pathways associated with heart rate variability. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 2. (SCI Q2)

76. Wei, L., Chen, H.*, & Wu, G. R. (2018). Heart rate variability associated with grey matter volumes in striatal and limbic structures of the central autonomic network. Brain research, 1681, 14-20. (SSCI Q2)

77. Zheng, Y., Xiao, Z., Wei, L., & Chen, H.* (2018). The neural representation of relational-and collective-self: two forms of collectivism. Frontiers in psychology, 9. (SSCI Q2)

78. Hu, Y., Zhang, Y., & Chen, H.* (2018). The Effect of Target Sex, Sexual Dimorphism, and Facial Attractiveness on Perceptions of Target Attractiveness and Trustworthiness. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 942. (SSCI Q2)

79. 郑莹灿, 肖子伦, 陈红, 胡小勇, 周欣. (2018) 关系自我和集体自我在自我建构中的层级关系. 心理科学, 41(6), 1403-1409.

80. 肖子伦, 郑莹灿, 李书慧, 卢剑, 陈红. (2018). 家支认同对彝族大学生幸福感的影响:民族认同的调节作用. 心理科学, 41(1), 138-144.

81. 宋诗情、周灵力、陈红. (2018). 黑白颜色隐喻对诚信行为的影响. 心理科学, 41(2):430-434.


82. Chen, S., Dong, D., Jackson, T., Zhuang,Q., & Chen, H.* (2017). Trait-based food-cravings are encoded by regional homogeneity in the parahippocampal gyrus. Appetite, 114, 155-160. (SSCI Q1)

83. Su, Y., Jackson, T., Wei, D., Qiu , J., & Chen, H.* (2017). Regional gray matter volume is associated with restrained eating in healthy Chinese young adults: Evidence from voxel-based morphometry. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 443. (SSCI Q2)

84. Zhang, X., Chen, S., Chen, H.*, Gu, Y., & Xu, W. (2017). General and Food-Specific Inhibitory Control As Moderators of the Effects of the Impulsive Systems on Food Choices. Frontiers in Psychology, 802,8. (SSCI Q2)

85. Chen, H.*, Li, X., Li, B., & Huang, A. (2017). Negative trust and depression among female sex workers in Western China: The mediating role of thwarted belongingness. Psychiatry Research, 256: 448-452. (SCI Q2)

86. Zhou,Y., Gao, X., Chen, H.*, & Kong, F. (2017). High-disinhibition restrained eaters are disinhibited by self-regulatory depletion in the food-related inhibitory control. Eating Behaviors, 26,70-75. (SSCI Q2)

87. 刘豫, 陈红, 李书慧, 罗念. (2017). 在线抑制控制训练对失败的限制性饮食者不健康食物选择的改善. 心理学报, 49(2), 219-227.  

88. 郑莹灿, 陈红, 胡媛艳, 胡小勇, 周一舟. (2017). 三重自我建构的神经机制.心理科学, 40(1),1-7.


89. Dong, D., Wang, Y., Jackson, T., Chen, S., Wang, Y., Zhou, F., & Chen, H.* (2016). Impulse control and restrained eating among young women: Evidence for compensatory cortical activation during a chocolate-specific delayed discounting task. Appetite, 105, 477-486. (SSCI Q1)

90. Jackson, T., Jiang, C., Chen, H.* (2016). Associations between Chinese/Asian versus Western mass media influences and body image disturbances of young Chinese women, Body Image, 17(6), 175-183. (SSCI Q1)

91. Kou, H., Su, YH., Bi, TY., Gao, X., Chen, H.* (2016). Attentional Biases toward Face-Related Stimuli among Face Dissatisfied Women: Orienting and Maintenance of Attention Revealed by Eye-Movement. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:919. (SSCI Q2)

92. Chen, S., Dong, D., Jackson, T., Su, Y., & Chen, H.* (2016). Altered frontal inter-hemispheric resting state functional connectivity is associated with bulimic symptoms among restrained eaters. Neuropsychologia, 81, 22-30. (SCI Q2)

93. 汪宇, 路晖, 杜捷, 陈红. (2016). 神经影像视角下的肥胖脑机制研究. 心理科学, 39(5), 1086-1092.

94. 张雪萌, 陈红, 高笑, 江沂芯, 周一舟. (2016). 成功与失败限制性饮食者对食物信息加工的能量效应:注意偏向的眼动研究. 心理科学, 39(4), 956-963.