






位东涛,1985年10月出生。全球信誉最好的网投平台副教授,硕士生导师。2014年毕业于全球信誉最好的网投平台,获发展与教育心理学博士学位。学术荣誉:重庆市优秀博士论文,重庆市科协首届自然科学优秀学术论文奖。主要研究方向聚焦在身心健康和情绪概念,具体包括(1)内感受与情感的关系及其作用机制;(2)情感躯体化形成和发展的机制;(3)抑郁障碍认知-躯体-情感的关系及其脑功能和结构的特征;(4)情感概念的发展机制。以第一作者或通讯作者的身份在心理学和认知神经科学杂志上发表10多篇SCI/SSCI,American Journal of PsychiatryJournal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryPsychological MedicineNeuroImageCortexHuman Brain MappingSocial Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceScientific Data和《科学通报》等杂志。




2018年7月-               全球信誉最好的网投平台,副教授

2019年9月-2020年2月    新加坡国立大学生物医学工程系,访问学者

2016年7月-2018年7月    全球信誉最好的网投平台,讲师

2014年7月-2016年7月    西南大学数学博士后流动站,博士后

2008年9月-2014年6月    全球信誉最好的网投平台(硕/博士)


国家社会科学基金项目:大学生抑郁群体身心健康的社会支持体系研究 2021.12-2024.6,主持


西南大学博士启动基金项目 2019.7-2021.7,主持


中央高校基本业务费-青春期的躯体感知与焦虑的关系及其机制, 2016.5-2018.12,结题。




编委:Plos One

期刊审稿:Cerebral Cortex, Human Brain Mapping, Brain Topography, Journal of Affective Disorders等。




1.          Dongtao Wei, Han Zhang, Birit FP Broekman, Yap-Seng Chong, Lynette P Shek, Fabian Yap, Kok-Hian Tan, Peter D Gluckman, Michael J Meaney, Marielle V Fortier, Anqi Qiu.Cortical Development Mediates Associations of Prenatal Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Reward Sensitivity: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.2021(In press) [IF2020=8.8, SSCI/SCI]

2.          Li He, Dongtao Wei (共一), Fan Yang, Jie Zhang, Wei Cheng, Jianfeng Feng, Wenjing Yang, Kaixiang Zhuang, Qunlin Chen, Zhiting Ren, Yu Li, Xiaoqin Wang, Yu Mao, Zhiyi Chen, Mei Liao, Huiru Cui, Chunbo Li, Qinghua He, Xu Lei, Tingyong Feng, Hong Chen, Peng Xie, Edmund T Rolls, Linyan Su, Lingjiang Li, Jiang Qiu. Functional connectome prediction of anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2021,178(6),530-540. [IF2020=18.2, SCI]

3.          Yu Liu, Jie Meng, Kangcheng Wang, Kaixiang Zhuang, Qunlin Chen, Wenjing Yang, Jiang Qiu, Dongtao Wei (通讯作者). Morphometry of the Hippocampus Across the Adult Life-Span in Patients with Depressive Disorders: Association with Neuroticism.Brain Topography. 2021,34,587-597. [IF2020=3.4, SCI]

4.          Dongtao Wei, Yu Liu, Kaixiang Zhuang, Jieyu Lv, Jie Meng, Jiangzhou Sun, Qunlin Chen, Wenjing Yang, Jiang Qiu. Brain structures associated with individual differences in somatic symptoms and emotional distress in a healthy sample.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020, 14: 492990. [IF2020=3.2, SCI]


1.          Wei, DT., Wang, KC., Meng, J., Zhuang, KX., Chen, QL., Yang, WJ., Liu, W., Wang, KC., Xie, P., Qiu, J. The reductions in the subcallosal region cortical volume and surface area in major depressive disorder across the adult life span. Psychological Medicine. 2020, 50 (3), 422-430. [IF2017=5.5, SSCI/SCI]

2.          Yang WJ., Liu PD., Zhuang KX., Wei DT., Anderson MC, Qiu J. Behavioral and neural correlates of memory suppression in subthreshold depression. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2020, 297, 111030.

3.          Yang JY., Mao Y., Niu Y., Wei DT., Yang WJ., Qiu J. Individual difference in neuroticism personality trait in emotion regulation. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020. 265, 468-474.

4.          Li Y., He L., Zhuang KX., Wu XR, Sun JZ., Wei DT* (通讯作者之一)., Qiu J*. Linking personality types to depressive symptoms: A prospective typology based on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness. Neuropsychologia. 2020. 136, 107289.


1.          Xinran Wu ; Liang Shi; Dongtao Wei* (通讯作者之一); Jiang Qiu*, (2019, Accept). Brain connection pattern under interoceptive attention state predict interoceptive intensity and subjective anxiety feeling, Human Brain Mapping. [IF2017=4.9, SCI]

2.          Xinran Wu ; Hong He ; Liang Shi; Yunman Xia; Kaixiang Zhuang; Qiuyang Feng; Yao Zhang; Zhiting Ren; Dongtao Wei* (通讯作者之一); Jiang Qiu* , Personality traits are related with dynamic functional connectivity in major depression disorder: A resting-state analysis, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019.1,2451032~1042. [IF2017=3.78, SCI]


1.         Wei, DT., Zhuang, KX., Ai, L., Chen, QL., Yang, WJ., Liu, W., Wang, KC., Sun, JZ., Qiu, J.(2018). Structural and functional brain scans from the cross-sectional Southwest University adult lifespan dataset. Scientific Data. [IF2017=5.31]

2.         Chen, QL., Beaty, RE., Wei, DT., Yang, JY., Sun, JZ., Liu, W., Yang, WJ., Zhang, QL., Qiu, J.(2018). Longitudinal Alterations of Frontoparietal and Frontotemporal Networks Predict Future Creative Cognitive Ability. Cerebral Cortex 28, 103-115. [IF2017=6.31]

3.         Cheng, W., Rolls, E. T., Qiu, J., Xie, X., Wei, DT., Huang, C.-C., Yang, A. C., Tsai, S.-J., Li, Q. & Meng, J. (2018). Increased functional connectivity of the posterior cingulate cortex with the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in depression. Translational psychiatry 8. [IF2017=4.69]


1.          Hou, X., Allen, T. A., Wei, DT., Huang, H., Wang, KC., DeYoung, C. G. & Qiu, J. (2017). Trait compassion is associated with the neural substrate of empathy. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 17, 1018-1027. [IF2017=2.56]

2.          Liu, W., Wei, DT (共一)., Chen, QL., Yang, WJ., Meng, J., Wu, GR., Bi, TY., Zhang, QL., Zuo, X.-N. & Qiu, J. (2017). Longitudinal test-retest neuroimaging data from healthy young adults in southwest China. Scientific data 4, 170017. [IF2017=5.31]

3.          Yang, JY., Hou, X., Wei, DT., Wang, KC., Li, Y. & Qiu, J. (2017). Only-child and non-only-child exhibit differences in creativity and agreeableness: evidence from behavioral and anatomical structural studies. Brain imaging and behavior 11, 493-502. [IF2017=3.72]


1.          Li, HJ., Wei, DT(共一)., Browning, M., Du, X., Zhang, QL. & Qiu, J. (2016). Attentional bias modification (ABM) training induces spontaneous brain activity changes in young women with subthreshold depression: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological medicine 46, 909-920. [IF2017=5.48]

2.          Tian, X., Wei, DT(共一)., Du, X., Wang, KC., Yang, JY., Liu, W., Meng, J., Liu, HJ., Liu, GY. & Qiu, J. (2016). Assessment of trait anxiety and prediction of changes in state anxiety using functional brain imaging: A test–retest study. NeuroImage 133, 408-416. [IF2017=5.43]


1.          Wei, DT., Du, X., Li, WF., Chen, QL., Li, HJ., Hao, X., Zhang, L., Hitchman, G., Zhang, QL. & Qiu, J. (2015). Regional gray matter volume and anxiety-related traits interact to predict somatic complaints in a non-clinical sample. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10, 122-128.[ IF2017=3.5]

2.          位东涛,蒙杰,李亚丹,张庆林, 邱江。(2015)基于个体差异的大样本脑影像数据在心理学研究中的应用。科学通报 60976

3.          Wang, KC., Wei, DT(共一)., Yang, JY., Xie, P., Hao, X. & Qiu, J. (2015). Individual differences in rumination in healthy and depressive samples: association with brain structure, functional connectivity and depression. Psychological medicine 45, 2999-3008. [IF2017=5.48]