









yangwenjing@swu.edu.cn / wenjing_20706@163.com


2018年8月-至今 全球信誉最好的网投平台,副教授

2017年8月-2018年7月 全球信誉最好的网投平台,讲师

2015年7月-2017年7月 西南大学教育学博士后流动站,博士后


















1. Yang, W.J., Green, A. E., Chen, Q.L., Kenett, Y. N., Sun, J.Z., Wei, D.T., & Qiu, J. (2022). Creative problem solving in knowledge-rich contexts. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,26(10),849-859. (SSCI/SCI一区, IF5year= 25.441,封面文章).

2. Yan,Y.C., Hulbert, J.C., Zhang,K.X., Wei, D.T., Qiu, J., Anderson, M., Yang, W.J. (通讯) (2022). Reduced hippocampal-cortical connectivity during memory suppression predicts the ability to forget unwanted memories. Cerebral Cortex. (In press). (SCI一区,IF5 year=5.998)

3. Fu,L.,Zhao,J.,Sun,J.Z.,Yan,Y.C…Qiu,J.,Yang,W.J. (通讯) (2022). Everyday creativity is associated with increased frontal EEG alpha activity during creative ideation. Neuroscience. Doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.09.005 (IF5 year=3.923).

4. Mao, Y., Chen, Q., Wei, D., Yang, W.J…Qiu, J. Resting-state functional connectome predicts individual differences in depression during COVID-19 pandemic. (2022). American Psychologist. DOI:10.1037/amp0001031. (SSCI一区, IF5 year=15.445)

5. Lu, F., Yang, W.J., Wei, D.T., Sun, J.Z., Zhang, Q.L., Qiu, J. Superior frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus connectivity mediates the relationship between neuroticism and thought suppression. (2022). Brain Imaging and Behavior,16(3),1400-9.(IF5 year=3.807)

6. Mao,Y., Wei, D.T., Yang, W.J., Sun, J.Z., ... Qiu, J. A Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. (2022), Doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2022.3181671.(SCI一区,IF5 year=11.447)

7. Yang, W.J., Zhuang, K.X., Liu, P.D., Guo, Y.H., Chen, Q.L., Wei, D.T., & Qiu, J. (2021). Memory Suppression Ability can be Robustly Predicted by the Internetwork Communication of Frontoparietal Control Network. Cerebral Cortex, 31(7), 3451-3461. (SCI一区,IF5 year=5.998)

8. Yang, W.J., Jia, H., Feng, Q.Y., Wei, D.T., Qiu, J., & Hulbert, J. C. (2021). Functional connectivity between right-lateralized ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and insula mediates reappraisal's link to memory control. Journal of affective disorders, 290, 316-323.(SSCI一区, IF5year = 6.569)

9. Liu, P.D., Yang, W.J., (通讯) Zhuang, K.X., Wei, D.T., Yu, R.J., Huang, X.T., & Qiu J. (2021).The functional connectome predicts feeling of stress on regular days and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100285.( SCI一区, IF5year = 8.484)

10. Yang, W.J., Liu, P.D., Zhuang, K.X., Wei, D.T., Anderson, M. C., & Qiu, J. (2020). Behavioral and neural correlates of memory suppression in subthreshold depression. Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging, 297,111030.(IF5 year=2.831)

11. Zhuang, K.X., Yang, W.J.,(共一)Li, Y., Zhang, J. , …& Qiu, J. . (2020). Connectome-based evidence for creative thinking as an emergent property of ordinary cognitive operations. NeuroImage, 117632.(SCI一区,IF 5year=8.011)

12. Huo, T.B., Li, Y.M., Zhuang, K.X., Song, L… Yang, W.J.,(共同通讯) & Qiu, J. * (2019). Industriousness moderates the link between default mode network subsystem and creativity. Neuroscience, 427.

13. Zhu, W.F., Yang, W.J., Qiu, J., Tian, F., & Ming, D…Zhang, Q.L. (2019). Individual differences in brain structure and resting brain function underlie representation-connection in scientific problem solving. Creativity Research Journal, 31(2), 132-148.

14.Yang, W.J., Dietrich, A., Liu, P., Ming, D., Jin, Y., Nusbaum, H. C., Qiu,J., & Zhang, Q.L.(2016). Prototypes are Key Heuristic Information in Insight Problem Solving. Creativity Research Journal, 28(1), 67-77.

15. Yang, W.J., Chen, Q.L., Liu,P. D.,Cheng, H., S.,Wei,D.T., Zhang, Q.L. & Qiu, J. (2016). Abnormal brain activation of during directed forgetting of negative words in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders,190,880–888.

16. Yang, W.J., Cun, L.L., D, X.,Yang, J.Y., Wei, D.T., Zhang, Q.L & Qiu, J.(2015). Gender differences in brain structure and resting-state functional connectivity related to narcissistic personality. Scientific Reports, 5. doi:10.1038/srep10924

17. Yang, W. J., Liu, P. D., Xiao, X., Zeng, C., Qiu, J., Zhang, Q. L. (2012). Different neural substrates underlying directed forgetting for negative and neutral images: An event-related potential study. Brain research, 1441, 53-63.

18. Chen, Q. L.,Yang, W. J. #, Li, W. F., Wei, D.T., Li, H. J., Zhang, Q.L. &Qiu, J. (2014).Association of creative achievement with cognitive flexibility by a combined voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study.NeuroImage,102. 474–48.

19. Wu, X., Yang, W.J.#, Tong, D.D., Chen, Q.L., Zhang, Q. L., Wei, D.T.,Qiu, J. (2015). A meta‐analysis of neuroimaging studies on divergent thinking using activation likelihood estimation. Human Brain Mapping, 36(7), 2703-2718.

20. Li, W.W, Yang, W.J.#, Li, W.F., Li, Y.D., Wei, D.T., Li, H.J., Qiu,J., & Zhang, Q. L. (2015). Brain Structure and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in University Professors with High Academic Achievement. Creativity Research Journal,27(2), 139-150.

21.Tong, D.D., Yang, W.J., Zhang, Q.L., Li, W.F., Wei, D.T…& Cao, G.K. Association between regional white and gray matter volume and ambiguity tolerance: Evidence from voxel-based morphometry.(2015). Psychophysiology, 52(8), 983-989.

22. Tong,D.D.,Tang,C.,Yang,W.J.,Tian,Y…& Zhang,Q.L. An illustrated heuristic prototype facilitates scientific inventive problem solving: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. (2015). Consciousness and cognition, 34, 43-51.

23. Ming, D., Tong, D.D.,Yang, W.J.,Qiu, J.,& Zhang, Q.L. How can we gain insight in scientific innovation? Prototype heuristic is one key. (2014).Thinking Skills and Creativity,14, 98–106.

24.杨文静,刘培朵,崔茜,郝鑫,肖宵,张庆林.自我参照对情绪性记忆定向遗忘的影响. 心理学报,2014,46(2),156-164.

25.杨文静,靳玉乐,邱江,张庆林. 问题先导下语义相似性和原型难度对原型启发的影响.心理学报,2018,50(3),260-269.




