






刘源,香港中文大学博士,副教授。主要研究兴趣为应用心理统计与测量、学习动机及其跨文化研究。先后在美国教育研究协会年会(American Educational Research AssociationAERA)、心理测量国际会议(International Meeting of the Psychometric SocietyIMPS)、国际心理学大会(International Congress of PsychologyICP)、澳门大学博士论坛、全国教育实证研究论坛等国内外顶级学术会议上做特邀报告、口头报告。学术交流足迹遍布美国芝加哥、费城、圣安东尼、加拿大多伦多、法国巴黎、捷克布拉格、日本横滨、智利圣地亚哥等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、重庆市社会科学规划项目、应用实验心理北京市重点实验室开放课题。中国教育学会教育测量与统计分会理事、美国教育研究协会会员。





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2016至今,全球信誉最好的网投平台副教授 认知与人格教育部重点实验室

2013-2016 香港中文大学教育心理系教育学博士,师从卓敏讲座教授侯杰泰

2010-2013 北京师范大学心理统计与测量方向理学硕士,师从刘红云教授

2006-2010 北京师范大学心理学院理学学士




    Ni, Y.*, Liu, Y.*, Ansari, A., Li, K., Li, X., (2021). Mothers’ Depressive Symptoms and Children’s Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors: Examining Reciprocal Trait-State Effects from Age 2 to 15. Child Development. (领域TOP3, IF=4.891).

    刘源*. (2021). 多变量追踪研究的模型整合与拓展:考察往复式影响与增长趋势. 心理科学进展. 29(10). 1755–1772. (国内A1)

    Liu, Y.*, Hau, K-t. (2020). Measuring Motivation to Take Low-Stakes Large-Scale Test: New Model Based on Analyses of Participant-Own-Defined” Missingness. Educational & Psychological Measurement. (SSCI, Q2, IF=2.051)

    Liu, Y., Liu, H. (2019). Effects of distance and shape on estimation of piecewise growth mixture model. Journal of Classification. 36(3). 659–677. (SCI, Q2)

    Liu, Y., Liu, H., Zheng, X. (2018). Piecewise growth mixture model with more than one unknown knot: An application in reading development. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. 22(4). 485-507. (SSCI, Q2)

    刘源, 刘红云. (2018). 非连续性与异质性——多阶段混合增长模型在语言发展研究中的应用. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版). 36(1). 137-148. (国内A1)

    Liu, Y., Liu, H., & Hau, K-t. (2016). Reading ability development from kindergarten to junior secondary: Latent transition analyses with growth mixture modeling. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1659. (SSCI, Q2)

    Liu, Y., Liu, H., Li, H., & Zhao, Q. (2015). The effects of individually varying times of observations on growth parameter estimations in piecewise growth model. Journal of Applied Statistics. 42(9). 1843-1860.

    刘源, 刘红云. (2015). 潜变量量尺的拓展及研究展望. 统计与决策. (6). 8-12.

    刘源, 骆方, 刘红云. (2014). 多阶段混合增长模型的影响因素: 距离与形态. 心理学报. 46(9). 1400-1412. (国内TOP)

    刘源, 赵骞, 刘红云. (2013). 多阶段增长模型的方法比较. 心理学探新. 33(5). 415-422.




    Liu, Y., Hau, K‐T., Liu, H., Wu, J., Wang, X., Zheng, X*. (2020). Multiplicative effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on academic performance: A longitudinal study of Chinese students. Journal of Personality. 88:584–595. (SSCI, Q1, IF=3.084)

    Zhang, X., Wan, Q., Lyu, S., Li, O., Liu, Y.* (2021). Overlearning is as ineffective as underlearning? A cross-culture study from PISA 2015. Learning and Individual Differences. (SSCI, Q2)

    Liu, Y., Hau, K-t., Zheng, X*. (2020). Does instrumental motivation help students with low intrinsic motivation? Comparison between western and Confucian students. International Journal of Psychology. 55(2), 182–191. (SSCI, Q2)

    Liu, Y., Hau, K-t., Zheng, X*. (2019). Do both intrinsic and identified motivations have long-term effects? Journal of Psychology. 153(3), 288-306. (SSCI, Q2)

    Liu, Y., Hou, S.* (2018). Potential reciprocal relationship between motivation and achievement: A longitudinal study. School Psychology International. 39(1). 38–55.

    Yu, S., Lee, I.*, & Liu, Y. (2018). Hong Kong secondary students’ motivation in EFL writing: A survey study. TESOL Quarterly. 52(1). 176-187. (SSCI, Q1, IF = 2.256)

    刘源*, 黄蕴智. (2016). 从“想”到“做”——卢比孔模型的解释力和应用. 心理科学. 39(3). 754-760. (国内A1)

    Sun, J., Liu, Y., Chen, E., Rao, N., & Liu, H. (2016). Factors related to parents' engagement in cognitive and socio-emotional caregiving in developing countries: Results from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 3. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 36. 21-31. (SSCI, Q1)



    刘源, 刘红云 (). (2020). 结构方程模型应用. 北京:北京师范大学出版社








    Liu, Y., Hau, K-T., (2021). The more missing, the less motivated? Paper presented at the 32st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czeck.

    Liu, Y., Wang, X., & Hau, Kit-t. (2019). Is instrumental motivation helpful for students with low and high intrinsic motivation? Paper Presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Toronto, Canada.

    劉源, 侯傑泰. (2018). 内部动机在中国文化下对学业表现的调节作用:以PISA2012为例. 第十三屆海峽兩岸心理與教育測驗學術研討會, 南投.

    Liu, Y., Liu, H., (2017). Piecewise growth mixture model with more than one unknown knot: application of reading ability development. Paper Presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), San Antonio.

    Liu, Y., Hou, S. (2016). Potential Reciprocal Relationship between Motivation and Achievement. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.

    Liu, Y., Liu, H., Hau, K-T., Wang, X. (2015). Analyses of longitudinal models: Effects of individually varying times of observation. Paper presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Chicago.

    Liu, Y., Hau, K-T., Wang, X. Zheng, X. (2015). Reading ability development from kindergarten to junior secondary: Latent transition analyses with growth mixture modeling. Paper presented at American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), Chicago.



    同行评审:Teaching and Teacher Education (SSCI), Journal of Psychology (SSCI), School Psychology International (SSCI), The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI), PloS ONE (SCI), Journal of Applied Statistic (SCI), 心理学报, 心理发展与教育.

    2015  80th International Meeting of Psychometric Society, Best Poster Reward. International Psychometric Society. Beijing.

    2015  The Grand Way Scholarships 2014-15. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong.

    2013  全国心理学大会第五届优秀研究生论文三等奖. 中国心理学会. 西安.

    2012  第十届海峡两岸心理与教育测验学术研讨会优秀论文三等奖. 中国教育学会教育统计与测量分会、中国心理学会心理测量专业委员会. 南昌.

    2007  第二届北京市大学生艺术展演民乐团一等奖(首席). 中共北京市教委. 北京.

    2003  第五届全国艺术电视大赛(器乐)冠军. 中国中央电视台. 北京.

    2001  全国第二届“蒲公英”(音乐)比赛金奖第一名. 文化部. 南京.

    2001  全国第八届推新人大赛(音乐)总决赛“十佳”第一名. 文化部艺术人才中心. 北京.