







2012/9–2015/7 西南大学, 基础心理学, 博士

2009/9–2012/7 西南大学, 发展与教育心理学, 硕士

2005/9–2009/7 郑州大学, 应用心理学, 学士










1.      Yang W, Zhuang K, Liu P, Guo Y, Chen Q, Wei D, et al. Memory suppression ability can be robustly predicted by the internetwork communication of frontoparietal control network. Cerebral Cortex. 2021;31(7):3451-61.

2.      Liu P, Yang W, Zhuang K, Wei D, Yu R, Huang X, et al. The functional connectome predicts feeling of stress on regular days and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of stress. 2021;14:100285.

3.      Liu P, Hulbert JC, Yang W, Guo Y, Qiu J, Anderson MC. Task compliance predicts suppression-induced forgetting in a large sample. Scientific reports. 2021;11(1):1-13.

4.      Yang W, Liu P, Zhuang K, Wei D, Anderson MC, Qiu J. Behavioral and neural correlates of memory suppression in subthreshold depression. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2020;297:111030.

5.      Bing-Xin L, Xi-Ting H, Pei-Duo L, Tong Y. The spatial selectivity of the visual duration aftereffect. Journal of Psychological Science. 2020(2):309.

6.      YANG L, HUANG X, LIU P, YUE T. The dynamic characteristic and mental mechanism of retrospective duration estimation. Advances in Psychological Science. 2019;27(2):221.

7.      Guo Y, Liu P, Huang X. The practice effect on time-based prospective memory: the influences of ongoing task difficulty and delay. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019;10:2002.

8.      尹杰, 刘培朵, 杨波, 黄希庭. 情绪刺激对前瞻记忆的影响. 心理学探新. 2018(2).

9.      杨莲莲, 黄希庭, 岳童, 刘培朵. 回溯式时距估计的计时机制. 心理科学进展. 2018:0-.

10.   黄顺航, 刘培朵, 李庆庆, 陈有国, 黄希庭. 疼痛表情对秒下及秒上时距知觉的影响. 心理科学. 2018;41(2):278-84.

11.    Tian Y, Liu P, Huang X. The Role of Emotion Regulation in Reducing Emotional Distortions of Duration Perception. Front Psychol. 2018;9:347.

12.   Li Q, Liu P, Huang S, Huang X. The effect of phasic alertness on temporal precision. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 2018;80(1):262-74.

13.   Li Q, Liu P, Huang S, Huang X. The influence of phasic alerting on multisensory temporal precision. Experimental Brain Research. 2018;236(12):3279-96.

14.   Huang S, Qiu J, Liu P, Li Q, Huang X. The Effects of Same- and Other-Race Facial Expressions of Pain on Temporal Perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018;9(2366).

15.   高锋剑, 陈有国, 刘培朵, 江竹, 黄希庭. 心理韧性, 孤独感, 自我效能感预测老年人主观幸福感的优势分析. 心理与行为研究. 2017;15(2):227.

16.   Li B, Xiao L, Yin H, Liu P, Huang X. Duration Aftereffect Depends on the Duration of Adaptation. Frontiers in psychology. 2017;8:491.

17.   Li B, Chen Y, Xiao L, Liu P, Huang X. Duration adaptation modulates EEG correlates of subsequent temporal encoding. Neuroimage. 2017;147:143-51.

18.   Fengjian G, Youguo C, Peiduo L, Zhu J, Xiting H. The Dominance Analysis of the Prediction for the Subjective Well-being of the Elderly Made by Their Resilience, Loneliness and Self-Efficacy. Studies of Psychology and Behavior. 2017;2:013.

19.   Yuan X, Li H, Liu P, Yuan H, Huang X. Pre-stimulus beta and gamma oscillatory power predicts perceived audiovisual simultaneity. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 2016;107:29-36.

20.   Yang W, Dietrich A, Liu P, Ming D, Jin Y, Nusbaum HC, et al. Prototypes are Key Heuristic Information in Insight Problem Solving. Creativity Research Journal. 2016;28(1):67-77.

21.   Yang W, Chen Q, Liu P, Cheng H, Cui Q, Wei D, et al. Abnormal brain activation during directed forgetting of negative memory in depressed patients. J Affect Disorders. 2016;190:880-8.

22.   Qu X, Liu P, Huang X. Psychological Resilience as a Moderator between Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of the Elderly. 2015.

23.   Liu P, Yang W, Yuan X, Bi C, Chen A, Huang X. Individual alerting efficiency modulates time perception. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015;6.

24.   Li B, Yuan X, Chen Y, Liu P, Huang X. Visual duration aftereffect is position invariant. Front Psychol. 2015;6:1536.

25.   杨文静, 刘培朵, , , , 张庆林. 自我参照对情绪性记忆定向遗忘的影响. 心理学报. 2014;46(2):156-64.

26.   Yang W, Liu P, Wei D, Li W, Hitchman G, Li X, et al. Females and males rely on different cortical regions in Raven's Matrices reasoning capacity: evidence from a voxel-based morphometry study. PLoS One. 2014;9(3):e93104.

27.   YANG W, LIU P, CUI Q, HAO X, Xiao X, ZHANG Q. Self-reference influence the directed forgetting of emotional memory. Acta Psychologica Sinica. 2014;46(2):156.

28.   Bi C, Liu P, Yuan X, Huang X. Working memory modulates the association between time and number representation. Perception. 2014;43(5):417-26.

29.   袁祥勇, 陈有国, 毕翠华, 刘培朵, 黄希庭. 时序知觉: 中枢计时与分布计时. 科学通报. 2013;58(28):2895-905.

30.  刘培朵, 杨文静, 李畅, 陈安涛. 基于特定领域的冲突适应效应. 心理科学. 2013;36(3):696-701.

31.   Yang W, Liu P, Cui Q, Wei D, Li W, Qiu J, et al. Directed Forgetting of Negative Self-Referential Information Is Difficult: An fMRI Study. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(10):e75190.

32.   Pei-Duo L, Wen-Jing Y, Chang L, An-Shou C. The conflict adaptation effect is domain-specific. Journal of Psychological Science. 2013;36(3):696.

33.   Liu P, Yang W, Chen J, Huang X, Chen A. Alertness Modulates Conflict Adaptation and Feature Integration in an Opposite Way. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(11):e79146.

34.   田夏, 刘培朵, 陈安涛. 熟悉面孔在不同知觉负荷条件下的表征方式. 西南大学学报: 自然科学版. 2012;34(4):139-45.

35.   唐丹丹, 刘培朵, 陈安涛. - Stroop 任务中的冲突类型述评. 心理科学进展. 2012;20(12):1962-70.

36.   唐丹丹, 刘培朵, 陈安涛. 冲突观察能诱发冲突适应. 心理学报. 2012;44(3):295-303.

37.   刘培朵, 杨文静, 田夏, 陈安涛. 冲突适应效应研究述评. 心理科学进展. 2012;20(4):532-41.

38.   Yang W, Liu P, Xiao X, Li X, Zeng C, Qiu J, et al. Different neural substrates underlying directed forgetting for negative and neutral images: An event-related potential study. Brain Research. 2012;1441:53-63.

39.   Wen-Jing Y, Pei-Duo L, Jin-Hua Y, Xiao X, Qiang-Lin Z. Directed forgetting of emotional memories and its mechanisms. Journal of Psychological Science. 2012;35(1):50.

40.   Liu P, Chen A, Li C, Li H, West R. Conflict adaptation is reflected by response interference. J Cogn Psychol. 2012;24(4):457-67.