学术预报:彭鹏——The Application of Meta-analysis in Reading Research to Understand Reading Development and Reading Difficulties






报告主题:The Application of Meta-analysis in Reading Research to Understand Reading Development and Reading Difficulties

报告人:彭鹏 美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校

报告时间:20211223 上午10:00-11:00



腾讯会议 ID: 660 940 824

报告简介:Reading is important for children’s academic and social development. Yet reading is a complex and challenging skill for many. In this talk, I will present two meta-analyses that investigated the skills related to reading development and reading difficulties. In the first study, I will talk about a study to examine the Simple View of Reading model among native-Chinese speaking individuals using meta-analysis structural equation modelling. In the second study, I will present a most recent project that investigated the cognitive profiles of individuals with reading difficulties, using robust variance mean/variance estimation and meta-analysis structural equation modelling.

报告人简介:彭鹏博士,美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校助理教授,2018年国际阅读障碍协会“Early Career Award”获得者。彭鹏博士现任Reading and Writing副主编,并担任心理学顶级期刊Psychological Bulletin, Review of Educational Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Annals of Dyslexia, Reading and Writing编委委员。彭鹏博士的研究主要关注如何将认知心理学中的高水平认知技能训练融入特殊教育,以对有严重学习障碍的儿童进行更好的学业干预指导。目前主要的研究方向为:1)开发融合认知策略、元认知和阅读技能内容的系统化教学项目,2)跨文化及跨语言的“阅读和数学学习”元分析。彭鹏博士的多项研究发表于心理学和教育学领域的顶级期刊,如Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Educational Psychology, Developmental Science, Developmental Psychology, Child Development Perspectives, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology等。